Worst luck and/or misclicks you've had?

I’ve been doing a heist for about 40 actions or so using up 30 or so inside information. I then go though the wrong door startle some people and have to flee with nothing but all the compresmising documents I shaffled and my tattered reputation as a master thief. Still got making waves which is all I really wanted anyway.

Just failed to get the damn Majestic Yacht for the 8th time. I’m getting sick of this grind, i’m wasting literal days/weeks on trying to grind those stupid comprehensive bribes just to sit down and fail again and again on this ridiculous luck challenge since I can’t afford the fate after buying Exceptional Friendship.

AND the stupid app keeps not syncing properly and reversing my progress and wasting actions. I’m getting really frustrated with this crap right now.

Just went to the WRONG Marquee of Mystification and bought an election gift for 30 Fate instead of using a separate storylet and my Free Gift property to receive one. Now I have both a Free Gift AND my chosen candidate’s gift, meaning I can’t spend Fate to buy other gifts AND spent Fate on this one. wry laugh

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Perhaps you can e-mail them? Sounds like something they would prefer to solve.

This isn’t a devastating misclick, but I was going to change my candidate in the election but hit change careers instead. Despite choosing ‘perhaps not’ it still used up my reputation. Uff. Back to grinding.

So, having slaved to acquire London’s Marrow, I returned from a party one evening to find a card from the Devils (I don’t know why they persist – I want nothing to do with them!)
I hadn’t realised that I’d accumulated 7 favours at the party over time and not exchanged them in The Forgotten Quarter.
The only open slot on the card was – sell them access to the Nadir.
Gah. Those cheapskates were the very last lot I wanted to sell to. Not to mention finding myself “closest to” them as well.

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[quote=Jermaine Vendredi]snip I returned from a party one evening snip
Gah. snip[/quote]Yes, things like this usually happen like this!

Just now when I accidentally used a Trade Secret in a short story.

Dropping from 215 to 211 when I didn’t realise having too many nightmares at the Festival on Mutton Island was not the same as too many nightmares when at zee.

Once, I was Drowning in Violet. The prompt to leave came up. In my fatigued daze, I hit &quotPerhaps Not,&quot and Drowned in Violet again. Not my proudest moment.

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Having worked really hard at a successful Governorship in Port Carnelian, I accidentally bolted back to London in my yacht…

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Once, while not entirely sober, I accidentally sold my submarine instead of setting sail.
Thankfully, FB was kind enough to undo this for me, possibly because I had spent fate to skip over the whirling contraption grind.

Distant seconds involved orthographic infections, an unusual wager, and two stats that were at 215. The first time was before PP was introduced, so I had to get my watchful back up to 215 again. Thankfully, I had already moved on to a third stat when I dropped a few persuasive CP. I do hate seeing those 214’s though.

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Or possibly best luck …

You know how you reliably fall flat on your face with the risky challenges? Yeah, well. I’ve now had three attempts at robbing the Brass Embassy for reasons, and come away with buckets of loot while being denied access to New Newgate.
Boo, hiss!

1% with the last check on the revolutionary firebrand don’t put on my persuasive gear because its only 1% guess who had to grind that progress back up (god though I can only imagine losing the zubmarine that took me the better part of constant grinding of the war of assassins for a month

Now completed robbery no. 6. The Brass Embassy lies empty, its treasures depleted. I am contemplating taking on a criminal record. Seriously.

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god damn

I think the record I’ve heard was nine break-ins before managing to get caught. I’m not sure if that should be reassuring or concerning.

We’re a bit late for that, aren’t we?


Isn’t it interesting that the City Vices card where you can lose Watchful has the same art as one of the Housing cards?

Shame I wasn’t paying attention.

It’s less impactful now that I’m Paramount and can fix it all relatively easily but it’s still galling.

kicked out the amantus on notability five (quite high for me low bdr)

[quote=the old man]kicked out the amantus on notability five (quite high for me low bdr)[/quote]Aaaaah, yes! Welcome to the club!
All you need is to kick your level 18 plant to become a fully fledged Neath dweller.

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