Sixth Coil Clues

Cline or that other unique location from the end of Evolution, the regret beyong death ?

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Non-repeatable Evolution locations would be extremely restrictive.


It has been confirmed on Discord (and the Huffman storylet text updated) that the 6 and 7th clues will not be unlocked until after the conclusion of the tournament.


The clues are listed here (Google Docs).

Thank you! I keep losing that url.


The Fate-locked clue from the Democracy of the Dead (aka Tanah-Chook).

Could someone link the Boatman’s clue in turn? Still unwilling to take a trip to the River, especially since I’ve already maxed out Muckraker Par Excellence on all my accounts. Just want to read the text :slightly_smiling_face:


The boatman’s clue, collected, and delivered to Huffam.


Interesting. So no one died there in the past, it would seem.

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Seems like whoever enters the Sixth Coil will either be possessed by a massive renegade Fingerking (who just might be possessing a Tiger), or end up in some other form of Parabolan captivity. And in return for this tribute the Fingerking keeps its peace and doesn’t destroy the whole Neath or something.

Or - if Failbetter were honest about Apocalypse-fatigue - this is just what we’re supposed to think and the truth is something completely different!


We get in there and the Fingerking is hanging with Mrs Plenty and Mrs Chapman swapping recipes


Is there a Fallen London cookbook? Someone must have made one


I’ll say, the only really annoying things with this year’s Clues was having to die twice (and more importantly come back) and the multiple trips to Parabola (on top of what was needed for the Tournaments themselves).


Yeah, off i go to die again. I think when i get everything i can that’ll be 20 clues. Womp womp

Come to think of it, I’m surprised we didn’t have to go mad to talk with the Manager, or go to Polythreme to talk with the King. That might give us a timeframe of when it started.

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Actually it wasn’t so much having to go back and forth to Parabola as i thought i was at least somewhst advanced there, but no, couldn’t do the experiment at all. That was Frustrating. Now I’m stuck w a taunting perfect lightbulb.

I’m quite annoyed, I absentmindedly discarded the Tomb Colonists Favour card despite telling myself I should keep it in the very likely chance it’ll be where one of the last two Clues is from.


Neathy cookbooks?

There are these. And these. Bon appetit! :exploding_head: :yum:

Oh, and these are more specific.


Do you know if the Tigers have a King (That was my theory until now to what is inside the Coil) ? I only know of the banded prince. A fingerking possessing the King of the Tigers would be awsome

They might have several… However, the Banded Prince seems to be the major authority. Here’s a snippet from the Exceptional Story “Go Tell the King of Cats”:

The Wakeful Eye is home to a bustling minor metropolis of Tigery factions. The Prince’s royal court is based here, but so too are many elderly tigers – sent to the Wakeful Eye to retire in honour and comfort. Delegations from the Kingdoms of Tooth and Stripe, far to the south, bristle in uneasy political union with the swaggering courtiers of the Banded Prince.

That sounds like there might be several tiger kingdoms and royal families.

Anyway, we’ll know more in less than an hour…

So what are the final two clues?

The final two clues following the Tournament of the Body are now available. The sixth can be found in London. The seventh can be found in a place of significance to the Tomb-Colonists, but only by one with a particular ambition, who has found the sixth clue.

I don’t have an Ambition, so the sixth clue will do for me.

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