Sixth Coil Clues

You can also look up Lead: under Myself, which shows the individual clues (before and after you’ve handed them in).


This is the list of all the clues so far, which you can check on the Myself page under Leads:

These are the brackets for Investigative Journalist which you can also check on Myself:

I was surprised you can get the qld thing without the locked clues and it’s only 7 total, not getting all 7 from one round?? I’m at Dogged Pursuer of Hunches! Despite not doing that great, i think.

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I will admit to enjoying Port Carnelian, but I wouldn’t mind it being revamped in the direction of Khan’s Heart, where there’s a bit more of a fluid relationship.
I think for a long time, (I’m talking pre-railway, pre-zee revamp) it was just that it was one of the few places you could go where it felt like you were having big impacts and building this space up (because of the ability to keep stocking up renown and trading it in in one go at an end-action which was explicitly recognising you for accomplishing stuff) so I spent more time than is probably sensible romping my way through carousels there.
That said, as written, yeah there’s not much to it. One of my vague imagined projects was setting a tabletop campaign in the Port though, because it feels like a big location, but it’s not so heavily determined or known as to be completely locked in.


Last set of clues. Anybody got any ideas? I reckon there’ll be one in exile and one in either the Underclay or the Clay Quarters, considering Huffham’s hints.

Edited to hide the clue


There’s one in waswood


Click the cog at the top of the textbox, then it’s the second line in the dropdown. Marked “hide details.” Thanks for the clue, by the by.


Thank you, I got it now!

I’m a little upset there wasn’t one in the Mind of London (at least not that I could see). If you tell me to interview the ground, I’m going to want to interview the ground :smiley:

Edit: Okay right idea, wrong place

Talking to the ground

It’s the Creditor’s mind, not London’s… Should have guessed.


Anyone got an echo of the Waswood clue? My internet dropped and I lost the text for it :(

Is-Not no longer

These waters recall a thousand thousand kings. Some leave their eddies still upon the broader oceans of Parabola. The Boil of Calamities. The Orts. Catastrophe of Crowns. Others exist as no more than reflections in the ripples, gone even from the Is-Not: the Parlous Knot; the Reconciler of Friends; the Prophet Exile.

Remembered here, too, is another – an ambassador-king, the Coiler of Hearts. It could have been a conqueror. The Waswood’s water runs white and fierce with all that did not come to pass. Instead, it changed; it left the Is-Not; embodied its name, and became the first convolution in a labyrinth.


OK, the google doc gave us several more clues;

Set 5, Clue 2

With the Creditor.

Set 5, Clue 3

In Tanah-Chook (Fate-Locked)

Set 5, Clue 4

With the Boatman (Costs 1x Cheerful Goldfish)

Set 5, Clue 5

In a Diary of the Dead

This leaves us with two more clues, and Huffham’s hints on how to get them. He states that clue 7 won’t be available until the fourth tournament is over, but that leaves us with one more. And each of the clues matches to one of his recommendations pretty much 1:1, so we are left with the last; where in London, or beyond, are people dying rather than dead or old?


The only thing I can think of is the Black Ribbon, but I’m not going to be able to check that for ages, given the action costs for talking to people liek Feducci (I think it’s a long shot anyway).


I’m wondering if there might be a nemesis specific lead somewhere, considering it’s the one ambition that actually visits the Grand Sanatoria and previous years there have been clues locked behind ambitions

I do hesitate to ask, but it seems like something that Failbetter might do for fun; has anybody checked the Mind of the Dead God yet?

EDIT: Just checked the google doc, the Mind has been checked. Not there.

Have we tried the Gamekeeper’s Cottage yet?

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yes it was checked - not there

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As an aside, this confirms at least some part of the clue turn-in will be available after the 12th. Which is good news for some of y’all who were trying to unlock the Khanate.

found a clue when communing with the creditor

Feducci seems like a solid lead if no one has checked him yet. Two out of three of the previous tournaments had an option that consumed a Progress quality that was also used in the clue search of that Tournament (Invention used Casing and had a Heist, Imagination used Inspired and had you compose a ballet, etc.). Body uses Running Battle, which is the one you use to duel in the Black Ribbon.

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Been checked with no clue found