Sixth Coil Clues

Huh. Coil doesn’t open til tomorrow.

Welp. Clues!

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Go into Mr Huffam’s office again, a new option is unlocked.

According to Huffam the sixth clue has been found. I don’t know where.

I hope it’s not on the TC Faction card because I already wasted my favorable circumstances looking there a few days ago.

Wait, what? In the original announcement it said today:

“After the final tournament closes on the 12th, the Sixth Coil will open – and who knows what might happen within.”

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Same here. And the last I got, I discarded. And still haven’t drawn it again since then.

I do have Notability I can throw at it, but I’d prefer not to.

Not the Faction Card, I don’t know how to spoiler but try Watchmaker’s Hill and an early activity.

I have the right ambition so when my actions refresh I need to go Zailing again. Maybe this time I will get there and back before Huffam’s counter gets to 100 :)

Two new clues:

  • The fighting rings in Watchmaker’s Hill - Ring of Roses
  • Disgraced exile in the Tomb-Colonies NEMESIS

Google document here.


Let’s just say if the game allows us to pick three ambitions out of the four, that ambition for the seventh clue is the one that I will not pick. :sunglasses:

Coolio, good thing it’s not the Faction card. Thanks a lot for everyone who shared the various Clues!


Shoot - I thought I needed to Zail to the Tomb Colonies. Need to get back to London and go mad (be scandalous!) instead!

Edit - Tomb Colonies is scandal not nightmares. Fortunately I remembered before stepping through a mirror

What is the quickest way to get there? Off to check the Wiki.

In pursuit of the story, you go wherever is needed. London. Parabola. Mad.

“When I said ‘do your worst’,” says Huffam, “this isn’t quite what I imagined.” He regards the towering piles of notes you’ve carried into his office – the many stones you’ve turned, in some cases literally.

“I believe in a free and vigorous press, and you were quite terrifyingly vigorous.” He lifts a sheet at random, and shudders. “Maybe sit down. Have some tea?” He scrounges a cup from behind a typewriter. It’s cold.

Well, that’s us told.


If you want to raise menaces quickly, investing in a Weasel of Woe and keep failing challenges. Equip any menace-increasing items too.

Costs 400 echoes.

I got there, found the clue, just need to get out again!

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If you have 12 Hedonism and a Counterfeit Head of St. John the Baptist, you can get sent directly to the colonies without getting Scandal to 8

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That’s how I did it :)

Would you mind sharing the Echoes both of getting it and of turning it in, once you’ve done that?

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A place where the bodies are not

12 August, 2024(disgraced exile in the Tomb-Colonies)

The walls are smooth and cold as ice. Surgeons and carers shuffle through the halls. You keep to deserted corridors; the Sanatorium is far larger than its staff can adequately minister.

Deep, deep in the tangle you find the Third Memorials Wing. No colonists here; no raving inmates or decrepit ancestors. Only graves and sepulchres. Few show signs of recent visits.

Here – rows of tombs without their marble lids, all empty. Knives, crossed with sprigs of lavender, lie before each. Third City carvings occupy each tomb, in the hollows where bodies should be.

A Fusty Archaeologist assists you with the translation, once you’re back among Venderbight’s streets. “In memory of those whose light survived our demon-kings, only to walk into the jaguar’s maw.” He looks askance at you. “Where did you find this?”


Really need to wait for my actions to refresh. It takes 5 to get out once your scandal hits 0. So it will be an hour or so before I can turn the clue over to Huffam.

I guess EFs or people who went in with full candles will get there before me.

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