I love that game. Too bad, too busy to spend time on Steam.
Time for sweet tattoos and the second saddest story in FL!
10th February, ~14:21 UTC
Noman “Déjeuneige” lost 75 x Noman’s Friend (new total 2228/2500). A Tattoo, but still very much alive.
10th Feb:
You’ve lost 80 x Noman’s Friend (new total 163 - The Noman is pristine).
It seems I erred a bit on caution this year, got the tattoo yesterday with a surplus of about 220 Noman’s Friend.
Well, not that I am complaining…
Acct 1: 10 Feb., 14:43 UTC: lost 68 NF
Acct 2: 10 Feb., 14:43 UTC: lost 78 NF
10th February, ~8:16UTC
You’ve lost 91 x Noman’s Friend (new total 1).
A little too close for comfort!
Feb 10
You’ve lost 68 x Noman’s Friend (new total 65
February the 10th: 82 NF lost. It was on that day when all my Nomen (SEVEN) lived for a total of 400 days!
Congratulations to everyone who made it to their tattoo appointment!
And thank you for the data so far, which helps us make predictions and guides for future years. Depending upon the whims of Lilac, next year may be incredibly easy: The Second Thursday of February falls on the 8th. However, this might be seen as Too UnValentinesy, to use official verbiage, which might throw it off the unofficial “second Thursday of February” rule that’s worked for 4 years now. But, we also thought the 9th was too unValentinesy this year, so who’s to say? Well, Failbettergames is to say since they can make it whatever day they want. The game hasn’t yet risen to sentience and wrested control of holidays from them as far as I know (?)
17th February, ~14:21 UTC:
Noman “Déjeuneige” lost 86 x Noman’s Friend (new total 2142/2500).
Next expected melt: 90 - 124
Wait… Am I to understand that you have to kill your noman early to get the elemental secret? I spent damn weeks teaching him, and got f-k all for it? I call bullshit.
Yes, you have to finish the Noman story to get the Elemental Secret. That involves getting Noman Knows to 15 and then playing “The Sense of an Ending” (which rids you of the Noman).
If you just wait until Noman’s Friend hits zero, you’ve missed out.
17th Feb:
You’ve lost 94 x Noman’s Friend.
Just 69 left. Last week for my Noman. It will not be forgotten.
Acct 1: 17 Feb., 14:43 UTC: lost 90 NF
Acct 2: 17 Feb., 14:43 UTC: lost 92 NF
24th February, ~14:21 UTC:
Noman “Déjeuneige” lost 107 x Noman’s Friend (new total 2035/2500)
Next expected melt: 103 - 136
Feb 17: 108 NF
Feb 24: 104 NF
Last week…
Acct 1: 24 Feb., 14:43 UTC: lost 96 NF
Acct 2: 24 Feb., 14:43 UTC: lost 114 NF
7th Noman to ever walk the Neath! They all enjoyed a total of 421 days for only 78.5k E raw value.
Best AP investment ever. All shall be well, my delicious white friend!
3rd March, ~14:21 UTC:
Noman “Déjeuneige” lost 111 x Noman’s Friend (new total 1924/2500)
Next expected melt: 115 - 148
(Cumulatively) Expected to Meet Their End By:
May 5: 0.01%
May 12: 6.9%
May 19: 99.99%
Well, a nice low value! You do have few extra Tears on your hand, right?
I’m so eager for this although I’m not sure I will enjoy the story.