May/June Roadmap

By crude estimation it will take around century for cider to pay for itself.

Evaluating it that way only makes sense if you assume that the value of an action will consistently be the same, every time, forever.
Not only do we keep (slowly) getting higher and higher values on actions, over the years (that wouldn’t change the result significantly), some actions are limited because they are part of an event. You never know how many sevens in vanity qualities you won’t get because you spent a few actions too many to clear your wounds.
(then there’s the conenience of “I know I can go back straight to whatever I actually want to be doing, without having to burn down my candles and then waiting for some IRL time for them to fill up again”)

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Hwoosh or anyone else, What is the best way of converting rat shillings into Scrip that does NOT use the bone market. I am not a real big user nor much of a fan of the bone market. I have no clue what a “Brass Lollipop” or a “Birds of Brass and Bone” are but clearly they are Bone Market related so I will probably avoid those things.

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Hmm I think there is none, at least if we are talking about fast conversion with minimal losses in opportunity cost.
Brass Lollipop is extremely simple (and boring, and repetitive), you could read about it here

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Aren’t you the person who is always saying how they completely ignore the story and only play this game for the mechanics? Why are you ignoring a part of the game that is so mechanically rich, profitable, and central to the game’s economy?


hwoosh, Yes, I am a player who doesn’t read much of the stories. I have tried and disliked the bone market. I am not sure what “mechanically rich” means. Perhaps the bone market is just too complicated for me to enjoy. Other than events and special stories like Evolution, I spend ~90% of my actions for both characters doing the "Business of a . I have close to 4 million “value of outstanding invoices in pennies” saved up to someday cash out. I also draw cards, collect favors, cash in favors as tribute or at Jericho locks with the latter largely being a waste of time since, so far, I have done nothing with the rewards from Jericho favors yet. I guess I just want something simple and easy to do. I also am a free-to-play player so I have fewer actions than many.

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I have my own reasons for avoiding Brass Lollipops, so I can answer this: The items from the Extramurine Trading Company that give you the best rate on Scrip are the cheapest ones, Solacefruit and the Royal Blue Feather. This is still spending 80 pence per Scrip, a substantial overpay, but everything else is worse (although Preserved Surface Blooms is close).

psgarak, Thanks. So you can buy the blue feathers or solacefruit in the rat market and sell it at the bazaar tab in the Hinterlands directly for scrip?

So I just went through and made a list of the medium to expensive items that my main and Alt have that can be sold at the Rat Market. My main/alt have:

~400/250 night whispers (dropping as I sell these with every action that I have)
212/211 storm threnodies
37/53 ratty reliquaries
245/170 unlawful devices
8/5 parabola linen scraps
2/5 crackling devices
12/1 captivating ballads
0/6 corresponding sounders
0/5 parabolan parables
4/26 4th city echoes

It is very clear from all the helpful advice that the night whispers and crackling devices need to be sold in the rat market ASAP and I will be doing this.

What other of the above items should be sold before the rat market undergoes its change?

I also have 36/31 fabulous diamonds. Am I correct that there is no urgent need to do anything with these? The ability to sell these for scrip at one of the railway statiuons is not being changed, correct?

Thanks for your help.

Unlawful device could be sold directly for scrip in Upper River. Ratty reliquaries are pretty useless, sell them. Storm threnodies and Night-whispers are used for Noman related vanity achievements (and if you want them, better to start preparations now). All other items are in low quantities, keep them.

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I hate the changes. I feel punished for playing the game as it was designed in the last twelve months planning for diamond season. Seriously consider quitting.

Randomizing the purchasable items on the last two weekends is STUPID!
If all the sellable items can be sold, just make all the purchasable items available as well.

Don’t leave it to a flip of a coin whether or not you screw over everyone grinding a specific item. That is not a good idea.

My preference is to buy maniac’s prayers, convert to plaques, and then use them to excavate in the hurlers.
Not super fast or convenient, but worth it at 12+ SPA.

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Give them a chance to make whatever it was you were grinding for available next week.
Then raise hell.

You are right, thanks. Let’s see what happens. (I still hate the changes …)

How low is your watchful to reach that profitability? To me the number feels too high for the amount of setup actions (sourcing shillings, converting, buying intuition (and the nightmares from that), paying out at the end, Movement involved), but I have not done the math yet and am just curious what I am missing.

Is the word ‘redesign’ a euphemism for a nerf? :crazy_face:

Thanks to the Rat Market, I became a POSI, upgraded my lodging, entered the Cave of the Nadir with much less hassle. Got some nice Rat equipment too.

sooooooo-do you think they’ll fix the ratmart fix? redesign the redesign? it doesn’t really matter to me-i don’t plan on intracting with ratmart, ever-but i hope they do for your sakes.

This is such a weird take.


not really, no, i just think it’s annoying and i play games for fun so if it isn’t fun for me, i’m not doing it. very simple, really.

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You’ve never used it though, right? Do you understand what it is and how it works?

You literally have to do nothing if you want and can still take advantage of it. If you have an item that can be sold there, you sell it, getting more Echoes than if you sold it normally. That’s it. More value for your item.

I literally don’t understand your aversion to it.

Edit: Definitely feeling like I’m being trolled by “anidiot.”