Weekly Fallen London Questions, 20/05/2024

I am about to give up the game due primarily to this nerf. I had been saving for over two years on two characters and had over 700 nightwhispers between them. Now, I am not only out most of the value of these but also am forced to spend two weekends in a row doing nothing but sitting in the rat market selling NW, and the other stuff that was primarily only useful in the rat market to sell to buy diamonds. Of course, as a free to play, the gaming company doesn’t really care if I stay or go. I think they really screwed the pooch on this one. The fair way to invoke this nerf would have been to have diamonds available on the last two rat market weekends.


Is it possible to give away a character? I think they are only tied to an email address and this email is changeable. Would it work for someone to message me their email address and then I could change the email address associated with my character to the email they provided. I could then tell them the character name and password and, voila, character ownership is changed. Would this work?

I would like to give you another perspective on the issue. I don’t argue, that the loss of diamonds sold at rat market is a serious hit to the conversion rate of shillings to scrip. Claiming the Night Whispers lost “most of their value” is a gross overstatement though. Standard echo conversion methods still exist, fueling scrip grinds with resources from the rat market (like digging at the hurlers) still works, or even the horrific conversion through Solace Fruit is an option.
Additionally, Night Whispers to Scrip through Diamonds was always gated and the amount you stockpiled implies, that you probably created more than you could cash in anyways. Elderfleur prought up an interesting point here, which I broke down for myself to, cashing in a particular resource to Diamonds probably should happen about once a year. Losing diamonds as an option altogether is a very theoretical loss in value. If value per time was actually the most important thing, one should probably divest anyways, after hitting a certain threshold of stockpile.


With those numbers, you had already signed yourself up for spending two weekends sitting in the rat market selling NWs.

FWIW, the potential multi-year wait for an alignment of Night Whispers and Fabulous Diamonds was probably already the slowest way to convert the value of NW to scrip. :woman_shrugging:


Speaking of, what’s that about digging at the Hurlers being fueled by the Rat Market?

Billycosmos mentioned it here. I was faintly aware of the hurlers grind but for me it never clicked, that the weasel of woe made the grind much more lucrative.
It comes down to buying Maniacs Prayers, converting to Correspondence Plaques, buying Frigid Intuition with those, digging up Crystallised Curios and selling those for scrip at the Hurlers Trading Post.


I am serious about my above question and not just whining. Would this be possible?

Who would want that character?

I have no idea who would want it but my characters but it seems better to give them away than to just junk them. Of course, that depends on whether someone would be interested in them. They are both I think what would be classified as “end-game” since they have completed ambitions and the railroads. One has 91 and the other has 90 custom engraved skulls. Both have a lot of companions. Neither has ever spent any fate so they would have nothing that is attainable only with fate. Both can achieve over 300 in each of their main stats. Both have a fair number of secondary stat bonuses. Best of all… they would be free to a good home.

Are they worthless or might another player want them? If nothing else, they would be good Alt characters to help manage wounds, etc.

But before I explore whether anyone would want my characters, I need to find out if it is possible to transfer ownership of them. Does anyone know if this is possible?

Oh and one character has 3.9 million and the other has 3.4 million pennies worth of outstanding invoices since I mostly just do “Business of a ” and seldom cash this in. Not sure if this is a lot or even an attractive trait for a character.

Cheers, that probably beats making silly skeletons, I’ll admit.

Section ten of the Fallen London Terms and Conditions of the service, states, I quote
“ All Fallen London accounts and virtual items are the property of Failbetter Games and players are only granted a limited, revocable licence to use accounts and virtual items “
As such, you may not transfer your account. Of course, if you were subtle enough about it, Failbetter would have no way of knowing, though negotiating a transfer on a public forum that they own is far from subtle. To be clear, I do not condone, recommend, or in any way encourage transferring your account to someone else, and in fact must heavily warn against it.


Hmmm, interesting. At least that indicates that it can be done. You do not make rules prohibiting things that are impossible.

It doesn’t seem like that quote is even considering “transferring” an account, though. It sounds more like they’re making it 100% clear that they don’t owe you any compensation for virtual items that you lose somehow (like if they discontinued the game)

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Well obviously you can write down your username and password on a sheet of paper and give it to someone, that was never in question. The thing in question is that doing so is a blatant violation of the TOS and a Very Bad Idea.

Well, the title of section ten is “No Buying or Selling Accounts”, so I would assume that covers a tranferrance situation. I should probably have included that.


John_Schmit, other than violating the ToS, why is this such a “Very Bad Idea”? The worst that the game company could do to me is to delete my characters which is, effectively, what transferring them to another player would be already doing from my point of view.

In that case you’re right; it’s only a Very Bad Idea to accept an account that someone wants to transfer to you.

I’m still not sure why someone would want to accept an “endgame account”. That sounds like it’s just an account where all the stories are already completed and there’s nothing left to do except grind for some vanity quality while you wait for more content to be released.


It was likely the slowest way, but it was also the best way, in my view, to grind for Boot Polish, which for the life of me I can’t bring myself to actually grind for in any active way like Hurlers or Lollipops given its lack of utility, but being a relative completionist, I kindasorta still want to pick up it up at some point. I was totally OK with the concept of waiting two years for three diamond events, and giving up three weekends, to get the polish. I don’t mind the Court NW grind at all as a passive thing to do with favours, and by the time diamonds was statistically likely to come up again, I’d probably have enough NW for the weekend run, so it all worked together fairly well for my tastes as a long slow burn to polish. Now…? Probably I’ll hope that I can get most of the way there via diamonds as a side effect of piracy (assuming that isn’t nerfed sometime in the next year or so it’ll take me to do it; breath not held).