May/June Roadmap

i have, actually. not alot but enough to learn that i don’t like it. and look, i understand your concern mate, i really do, but it’s wasted on me-u can promise you, if i managed to avoid ratmart so far, you won’t convince me otherwish. also i don’t sell items besides rustygold for “maybe i’ll need it later!” reasons anyway so…

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No no, I’m not trolling you, swear to god. I’m actually not sure I understand why you think I am-could you explain?

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For me at least, part of it is the fact that you keep bringing it up.
The other part might be that the rat market is one of the most straightforward mechanics in terms of literarity (?). It’s a market. You sell and buy stuff there. Your comments imply that it’s a complex multi step process so convoluted that interacting with it is an atrocity. Exaggerating of course. But then again, I was a no-wiki user once and didn’t get the rat seasons and winds and such. I did however take for what it was. A market. All power to you to not interact with it, but if you keep bringing up the fact, some people might take it the wrong way. Because that’s what trolls do, too.


ah…i was worried about that.

yeah no, i sort of understand how it works on a basic level, i just don’t wanna intract with it.

thanks my dude(gender neutral)

well than, i’ll stop that. thanks for informing me, i legit had no idea i was coming off that way.

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I have to be honest, as a regular Rat Market user, I genuinely don’t think these changes are bad. Sure, when I go for a Hellworm it’ll be a bit harder, but it’s supposed to be hard! And I was never one to save up hundreds of Night Whispers for selling there, and frankly I don’t believe anyone was supposed to be. The changes aren’t nearly as bad as I was expecting, and really are probably healthier for the game as a whole.


I too find this attitude of “vocally taking pride in remaining willfully ignorant of something that is in fact straightforward” distasteful and grating.


Well than sorry about that, mate. I’ll stop since it bothers you’ll.

Thanks for your past help and proving that no good deed goes unpunished I have a follow-up question for you.

Sorry but I just realized that I had left an item off my above list of goods possessed that are sellable at the rat market. My main/alt also have:

70/59 uncanny incunabula

Should these be sold now and next weekend or do they have good uses outside of selling at the rat market? Thanks for any advice you can offer.

I don’t think there are many/any important repeatable uses for Incunabula, and it is easy to get more of them by upconverting Extraordinary Implications. I would just sell them.

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My gut reaction to hearing about the Rat Market changes is that it’ll just end up being like the Bone Market to me. Something I might use to get a few one off items and then never really touch it again. At least with it as it is now, I have had a reason to come back sometimes (As well as go out to zee to trade in tribute).

I get that its not working as FB intended, but to me this just feels like another example of them nerfing something simply because it crossed a supposed acceptable EPA/SPA threshold. Changing the Rat Market isn’t going to remove that sort of mentality from players. There are some that finding the most efficient grinds is the game and this isn’t going to stop it. One thing this is going to do is just push people to the next most efficient way until a new one comes along.

I do believe FB is partially to blame for this with the addition of those super expensive items. Sure they might have been added to keep end game players that have finished almost all of the available content engaged (or as a joke), but they also became goals for even beginners. I remember when I first started playing my main goal, outside of some progress on the making your name storylines, was to get an Ubergoat. Then it became a Firkin. Now a Hellworm.


You guys need to consider that the two options Bruno mentioned on Discord regarding the Rat Market were to either do a change like this, or to simply completely shut it down. As in: it wouldn’t exist at all.

I’ll take an occasional monetary advantage over none at all. Seems a pretty obvious choice between the two.


Wasn’t aware of that as I’m not in the FB Discord and I don’t see that mentioned in the most recent news post. Looking over that post again (here) and I still can’t really see what the issue with the current Rat Market is besides that players are using it a way FB didn’t intend. I’m not even 100% clear on what they did want besides the stated goal of being able “aid players in obtaining certain economy items”. That’s already there as far as I see it.

To me it sounds like they just don’t like that its also being used by players for end game echo/script grinding. Even if it was removed completely, players are still going to try to find whatever the most efficient means for the “endgame echo-grinding aspect of the game”. They’re still going to “stockpile resources over several weeks and then sell them”. It’ll just be a different less efficient place/carousel.

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Well… My main and Alt spent all weekend inside the rat market selling stuff and emerged bleary-eyed a few moments ago.

My Alt was able to completely unload all his excess stuff including over 200 night whispers. His total rat shillings for the weekend were 210,800. I converted this into 26,350 solacefruit and will sell this in the hinterland market tomorrow.

My main got rid of about half his ~450 night whispers and a bunch of other stuff but will have to spend next weekend in the rat market also. His tally for the weekend was 228,750 which was turned into 28,593 solacefruit which I will also sell in the hinterlands tomorrow.

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It’s very manipulative framing of the situation. There is no hard reason to keep EpA under X, it’s arbitrary number. They could have easily sweeten the deal by remaking ratket and simultaneously buffing dozen of grinds so nobody lost EpA or SpA.

On the tangential topic, there is no reason to keep action 1 per 10 minutes. It’s an artifact of initial game design, when the game was ten times smaller. Similar situation with action caps. There is a lower limit ofc, because sometimes action restriction is used for pacing control of the narrative. But they easily could have gone for 1 action per 5 minutes or maybe even 3 minutes. Sure there are some monetization reasons, but they could be untangled and rearranged.

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I mean, they could give every player a million echoes, a crisp new hundred pound bill and a fuel-efficient family sedan, but that doesn’t mean they should. It’s their game and they get to balance the economy they way they want to. If that means we earn imaginary money a little slower than we were expecting to, that’s a little disappointing, but I don’t see the point of bothering much about it.


I agree. They can do what they like. Up until now I, as a player, trusted in them to treat me fairly. I now see that they don’t care about that. I, too, can do what I like. And I don’t like FBG anymore.

I don’t know Bruno and I don’t know how he explained that it wasn’t an option to leave the Ratket as it is. But they could at least have given those of us who - like me - have been grinding for diamond weekends for quite some time the chance to unload our stuff as planned before implementing the change. I am sure that it was a deliberate decision not to allow us to sell for diamonds. That is changing the rules knowing that players were invested in trusting them. Really bad.

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So with the grind to turn night whispers into diamonds now eliminated, what reward should be sought from the Court of the Wakeful Eye for tribute? Should favors still be turned in for tribute to be collected at the CotWE or should they now all be “sold” at Jericho Locks?

In my experience from favours alone it is possible to generate enough tribute to make one trip to Court per week. 13*62.5 = 812.5. It’s two times bigger than declared weekly profitable limit. And not every week you could sell NWs at ratket. How often we have no idea. So… it’s probably wise to keep some NWs in stock and refill them from tiger trade, but majority of the favours should be spend elsewhere.
If you are interested only in scrip this is entirely another topic, I am not sure what is the best way to grind for hellworm in changing economy. It might be still tied to ratket, but in another way (super-grind that collects all ratket sellable items in ~800 echos quantities and then converts to scrip through lollipops?? who knows)

Does anyone know of a decent way to convert the other Court of the Wakeful Eye items (Primaeval Hints, Enigmas, etc.) into scrip? I am at the CotWE right now and waiting for my actions to increase. I have 259 tribute so I could get access to another minister to get these other rewards if nightwhispers are no longer optimal.