Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

Are there any mechanical in-game rewards for turning in the 7 clues to Huffam?

As you turn in the seventh and last clue, the level increase description says we can expect a unique reward later.


I’ve been working on the assumption that the Khanate are like this at home too. So the Tortoise and Eagle seem to be treating this like an extension of their usual politicking. I’d imagine if you asked them, they might not have noticed that the other teams are technically also there.


Because entering Parabola costs an action and honey the CRpA is actually slightly worse. However, it provides twice the aid to your allies’ efforts. That’s the real gain here.

I know I was!
Yet I maxed steadfast first, so you might both be on to something.

Anyhow, back to Parabolan casing.

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The rewards seem to me to scale with base stats. I’m starting to wonder if casing is a way for people better at sneaking than science to get a better reward for their efforts and, if your base abilities are the same, the reward is more or less equal

You can also ignore that action to enter parabola, as cashing in doesn’t wipe all your casing.


It’s not better if you also add the action and honey cost to enter Parabola, unless you grind Parabolan Casing in very large batches.

By my estimate, you need to do at least 15 Casing runs (60 actions, 420 CP of Casing) during a single visit to Parabola to surpass the base action.

Well, if your main goal is to maximize aid instead of profit, and you have some Echoes to burn, you can use Big Rat Casing which is even faster than Parabolan Casing.

The basic one action = 378 Coilheart Renown is the best. :wink:

Parabola travel is too tedious, and there might be challenge failures along the way.

Getting 550 Lab research in exchange for 3750 Coilheart Renown, another action sink in the Lab.

Filt = 3 actions to gain 9 casings = 909 Coilheart Renown = 303 Coilheart Renown per action.

Of course, other variables at play. A Fate player has a bigger pool of actions to play with. Your grinding depends on how long you are online.

Most important thing is to hit 20k Coilheart Renown to redeem that Estival 2024 Adornment item. Everything else is an optional bonus. Not sure if you need to hit a certain amount of Coilheart Renown for a vanity quality etc.


I killed the big rat thoroughly. Not just with my fists, but also my teeth, nails, ratty and non accomplices, and a considerable amount of explosives.

Parabola is my best bet, though the Big Rat is no longer there, either.

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I left that Rat (Plaster Face) quest halfway done, because I had a feeling that there might be potential permanent ramifications depending on what you choose. Vindicated? :upside_down_face:

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Well, the permanent ramification if you don’t kill the Big Rat is…not having access to the Big Rat. And if you don’t finish the story then…you still don’t have access to the Big Rat.

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If you’ve maxed your base stats then its 414 Coilheart Renown

Yeah I didn’t max them out, 378 it is for me.

That only works when the Tortoise’s opponent is a hare :grin: The Eagle will soar!!!

Eagles are known for picking up and dropping tortoises… Sometimes on playwrights.


Why do I get the feeling that no matter which faction wins, the Tigers ultimately win?

The conspicuous absence of the Tigers in the Tournament of Sciences.

They are watching the rest do the dirty work, while they plan their next moves.

The Coils belong to the Tigers after all.


I always seem to pick the side that ends up in last place. Just checked the wiki and the Tortoise is far behind the others.

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Any negative consequences for switching sides? I believe you can do it only once.

For me, I’m a diehard Koloman all the way.


I’ve renounced my side once to see what happens, then picked it right up again and I still have the option to renounce so I think it can be done multiple times, not just once.

To answer your main question, there weren’t any negative visible qualities for renouncing my side. Also, maybe I’m wrong (metaquality people can chime in here), but the way I get the organisation there is no tracker for how much you’ve contributed to your side specifically. There are only
trackers for how much support each side has received in total and how much support each player has given in total. Meaning theoretically one could give 99.9% of one’s support to one group and switch at the last moment and still be considered to be on the winning team.

Later edit: Oh, regarding there being no tracker for how much support a player has lended to a specific faction: there is a “You have lended aid to your faction” message upon helping. I can’t find it in my Player page though so I can’t check if it’s just an on/off switch or continuous tracker. It also claims to be a world quality when clicked upon so I stand upon my initial theory and add to it that the “You have lended aid to your faction” simply means a certain faction’s numbers have gone up thanks to your action, without the specific character being recorded somewhere for increasing said number.