Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

The Surfacer. A new faction. Interesting.

By the way, just came across the second part of that new dream, and you don’t need any menace to trigger it.

A quick snap-shot from the world qualities shows a pretty clear lead for the Tomb Colonists, which seems to meet our expectations:

  1. 20 853: Tomb Colonies
  2. 16 865: Republic
  3. 14 528: Eagle
  4. 8 550: Tortoise

Although curiously if the two Khaganian forces cooperated they’d have the lead…

Personally, my character will be supporting the Tortoise because they’ve apparently sent a bunch of sociable nerds, which sounds fun on its own, and who would pass up the chance to freely peek over the shoulders of Khaganian scientists at work. Also, given the current standings, I do like an underdog competitor.


My opinion is that the Koloman folks are the most innocent of the four. Remember how meek they were when they first arrived?

Khanate folks cannot be trusted. Tigers cannot be trusted. Tomb mummies are 50-50.

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Do you mean the one from a few days ago or did they add more?

You think surfacers are trustworthy, because… because they’re new here?

Just because someone is unprepared or out of their depth doesn’t mean they’re not going to be devious.


No hints, just a sudden case of “wait they’re linked to Vienna some, and Vienna is a Liberationist hotbed, so what if…”

Nothing, really, just a creeping suspicion.


There’s a new part of that dream, which I was referring to.

Out of curiosity, is that assuming you always pass the check or that you first reduce its difficulty?

And if the former, how does the latter compare to the other Casing sources?

Tomb Colonies: here to party like it’s 1862
Eagles : take themselves too seriously
Koloman: funny, but are they funny haha or funny weird?
Tortoise: seem to me more like strangers than Koloman, never met them before and the Eagle overshadow them

(Yes, this is attempted Tomb Colonies agitprop)


It works with my calculations that factor in the difficulty reduction, because no player could guarantee success on that check.

I’ve supported them all briefly, and I’m going for the Tomb Colonies; they’re the closest thing to a London contingent in the Tournament lineup.


To answer you, I just took at face value the figure listed in the guide (28 casing CP per 4 actions). Which means you take the glasswork action to reduce the difficulty of the Sneak forward check.

Might be worth it to collect Second chances by Loitering with alt before diving in Parabola.

Perfect, thanks for the feedback. That means I haven’t been wasting actions.

To be precise, I did not say it was optimal. Usually I open an excel and write down the different scenarios, and verify it empirically. Here I just did some quick and dirty calculations.

My max shadowy is 335. By checking the wiki, if I do it without the glasswork challenge, I need to succeed to a 52% shadowy challenge to make it into 3 actions instead of 4 (or more). On average, I should have 7.13 casing CP per action, slightly better than the 7 cpa with the glasswork challenge, but most probably not worth the nightmares I’ll incur on failures.

Hypothesis for what’s in the coil: the King of Tigers, similar but distinct from the King of Cats.


You forgot that you need to spend an additional action to cash out the Casing.

This brings down the CRpA to 415, which is only slightly better than the base competition actions in Wolfstack Docks (410 CRpA).

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A few personal friendly amendments to anthony’s comment:

"Tomb Colonies: here to party like it’s xxxx 1762.
Eagles : take themselves too seriously
Koloman: funny, but IMHO they are funny weird.
Tortoise: more like strangers than Koloman and the Eagle overshadows them; why they are interested in a competition in London I can’t understand.


Thanks! (hence the excel thing :slight_smile:)

But it still is better, so good enough for me.

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