Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

The Tiger Keeper rises to his hind legs. “London!” He is bellowing now, gold eyes alight with zeal. "The Sixth Coil is opening at last!”

Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

Delegations will soon arrive from all across the Neath to participate in the Coilheart Games: the tomb-colonies, the Khanate, the Wakeful Eye itself. Lend your support to your favoured competitors in events that span disciplines physical and mental. Throw your own hat into the ring, and compete for a share of the riches of the Sixth Coil. Investigate the visiting delegations, and the mysteries stirring deep in the Labyrinth. And when the Games are over, the Sixth Coil will open at long, long last.

What is Estival?

The Sixth Coil is Fallen London’s summer Estival for 2024, and it’s happening right now! It’s a free, limited-time mass-participation event, open to players of all levels.

Our annual summer festival is different to all others in Fallen London; it changes every year, both mechanically and in theme. In previous years we’ve excavated holes all over London (unlocking new activities), raised a Museum which became a permanent location in the city, and warred with Starved men from the Roof.

We expect Estival to last around two weeks, with new activities and mysteries opening up as time passes. It’ll remain open for a few days after its conclusion for you to catch up and pick up any last rewards.

In previous years, your participation has affected the pacing of the event. This year, however, your efforts will determine not when events progress, but how: the winners of each of the Games’ four disciplines will be determined by your actions. Offer your allies chess tips from the Boatman. Test their scientific hypotheses in your lab. Defeat their nightmares, so they might fight unimpeded. And – perhaps most dangerously of all – influence the fickle attentions of the Captivating Princess. It is all to play for.

As with previous summer events, we will eventually bring the memory of this one to the Waswood, to allow you to revisit the story and obtain some (but not all) of the event’s items, should you miss it.

The Schedule

The Coilheart Games will run on a set and predictable schedule. The Games are split into four Tournaments, which will each run for three days:

  • The Tournament of the Sciences will run from noon BST on the 3rd August until noon BST on the 6th.
  • The Tournament of Imagination will run from noon BST on the 5th August until noon BST on the 8th.
  • The Tournament of the Intellect will run from noon BST on the 7th August until noon BST on the 10th.
  • The Tournament of the Body will run from noon BST on the 9th August until noon BST on the 12th.

After the final tournament closes on the 12th, the Sixth Coil will open – and who knows what might happen within.

Latecomers will be able to experience the whole story from beginning to end, but you will only be able to influence the outcome of each event while it is active.

How Do I Start?

To begin the story of The Sixth Coil, look for ‘Emissaries in Sapphire and Gold’, available anywhere in London. The rest of the story, and associated activities, will unlock as time goes on – keep an eye out for storylets with a silver border.


From Discord! I will try and post more stuff here as the situation develops.

  1. We found out what it was about: Fallen London: The Roleplaying Game.
  1. The items: The Sixth Coil (historical) - Fallen London Wiki

  2. Items guide which includes all previous ones: Estival (Guide)/Item Comparison - Fallen London Wiki.

  3. Event guide: The Sixth Coil (Guide) - Fallen London Wiki.

  4. Supporters of the winning team will NOT get a unique reward.

  5. Getting renown via casing is marginally better; ~415.9 vs 414 at max stats.

  6. No, Huffam’s tea is a joke keepsake

  7. Just for general info, there’ll be metatext that indicates when renown spends will become unavailable – it’ll be signalled, and won’t abruptly vanish through the schedule or anything. (The main caveat being that the event itself will close at some point, at which point, yes, that’ll go away regardless.)


I’ll do a thread in here <3


200 tokens worth of new items, FYI! Including boots for cthonosophy!


I haven’t done too much yet, but my heart was warmed when I saw some of the many many orphans we have shipped across the sea come back, happier than ever!


One of them talks about how weird it was to be adopted just to be given to the Court :sob:


So we’ve got the Khanate, Tomb Colonists and Starved Men as Participants in this event.

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Where have people found clues? So far I’ve only found one trying to enter the Sixth Coil. I checked the Palace, the Empress’ Court, and the Flit, and didn’t see any new stories.


I don’t think they’ll be new storylets, but rather options on existing storylets.

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I know talking to the bishop of Southwark and the Honey Addled Detective have options.


How??? I literally have just gone through all the main event options since the Games started less than a couple of hours ago and when I talk to Huffam metatext tells me not only that all currently available clues have been found but that they have been found by a sufficient number of people for Huffam to maximally investigate.

I am in awe.

Did you just look at the list of storylets, and did you actually check the options for each of them? Because the clues were options in the storylets, not new storylets (which was my initial mistake).


I meant all the options related to the start announcement. Maybe I’m a slow reader but just going through all the text that is given up front, before any mention of an investigation, took me like half an hour.

I have only just begun my own hunt for clues.

Oh, right, sorry, misunderstood what you meant!

I can only guess people clicked through without reading, recording it for later (hopefully) or planning to go slower with alts, and dived straight into the clues hunt.

Anyways, I guess I’ll go back to the Hinterlands until the Opening Ceremony, there doesn’t really seem to be anything else to do once you’ve found and reported the current batch of clues.


LET’S GOOOOOOOOOO!!! I am hoting and hollering rn you don’t even know. My first estival! And I choose a great one, it seems!! Also, thanks @barnabusbarnabus , @DarkSquirrel and @Fforest for gathering all of the clue locations, it’s much appreciated.


Oh, and so many things to buy! and I want them all and I’d need more tokens to get what I really want…oh dear, this might be the first time I actually spend money on fallen London, and the first time in a long time that I spend money on a game at all. it’s simply too alluring!


As skinnyman has already noted further up the thread, Estival (Guide)/Item Comparison - Fallen London Wiki (which hasn’t been updated with this year’s items yet) is usually a good port-of-call if you’re not planning on buying everything (at least, assuming you want to check there’s nothing mechanically equivalent that you might be able to get cheaper; if you’re buying because they look/sound cool, then that’s an entirely different matter!).


Oh,I did not know that exists! Thanks, dude!

mr inch over at wolfstack also has a lead.

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Full list of this years items (spoilers obviously)

Censor’s Touch (gloves 20) → Persuasive +8; Dreaded +1; Mithridacy +1

Cautious Bracer (gloves 50) → Watchful +4; Dangerous +6; Shapeling Arts +1

Gilded Spinneret (adornment 50) → Dangerous +4; Persuasive +4; Dreaded +1; Monstrous Anatomy +1

Varchaasi Holdall (luggage 20) → Bizarre +1; Glasswork +1

Pilgrim’s Sandals (boots 30) → Watchful +7; Chthonosophy +1; Inerrant +1

Huzzite Shroud (hat 30) → Watchful +4; Artisan of the Red Science +1; Insubstantial +1