Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

Same occurred to me, though from the sound of it many of them probably predate the Fifth. Reckon that’s the lot I’ll be going with, though. At least they’re local to the Neath, and not bloody Khaganian.

Damned Brummies, coming here like they own the place. Soft surface bastards. *Spit

Really though, it just seems strange there’s no option to compete for London in this (perhaps any?) event, given that we’re the hosts and a major naval power.

I guess the idea is for players to choose a team to support and devs wanted to pre-empt everybody just choosing London and leaving the other options in the dust, but it feels really contrived and wrong, especially since there’s not really any justification offered as to why.

I wouldn’t be too suprised if during the Games, some NPC Londoners were to voice the same opinion and form a London team to compete - officially sanctioned or not.


Perhaps. I guess we’ll have to just wait and see how it all turns out. Seems like there would have been a flurry of activity to start organizing a delegation as soon as the event was announced.

On the other hand, the swift arrival of the other participants, all sorted out and squared away, makes it appear as though they must have had a fair bit of advance notice compared to us, unless the chronology of the past days was extremely compressed. It’s a little odd, like the bits don’t quite fit together.

Before I grind out lots of casing- does that option use up all your casing, or just the right number of CP?

Also, I’m going for Koloman. They’re new and interesting.

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Go, go, go, my Koloman comrades!

The Casing option reduces Casing by 10 in exchange for a chunk of additional contributions to that faction. I’ll just do it once to record the text.


So am I! I think they look cool, frankly, and as someone who knows very little about the surface I think they’re neat! Also, isn’t “koloman” the name of an empire in the Narnia universe(in “a horse and his boy”,I think?)or am mistaken?

P.S: no, no that one is called “Calormen”, excuse me.

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Hang on a sec… Wouldn’t the Koloman be associated with the Liberation? Now that would make me change my allegiances.


I’m noticing that the university research option favors the Light Fingers ambition (nautical focus). That generally annoys me since there is only the one assistant with a nautical/cartographical focus, but it may indicate that each stage of the game will include lab options that use each ambition’s assistant.

Also, I hate that the only cartographical assistant is ambition locked.


Im going for the Tomb Colonies. They’re old and interesting.


That must be the title of someone’s autobiography.


That only works when the Tortoise’s opponent is a hare :grin: The Eagle will soar!!!

Indeed, but I would expect it to be quite marginal, considering the huge randomness of the lab grind (I would not be able to calculate how much it improves the grind…). Even then, if you consider a rough (and generous?) 35 lab points per action, you get about 16 actions to reach 550. Ignoring start/finish actions, with 1 extra to deliver the result to your team, you have 3750 CR for 17a thus 220 CRpA, which is much less than the standard 410 basic action. I welcome contradictory opinions if I forgot something important.

Didn’t yet calculate the casing grind.

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I’ll just point out the Lab option goves out a Searing Enigma.

Anyways, now I’ve done it and have gotten the new Dream, I am grinding Casing in the Parabola. Seems to be to be the best one for this stage.


Good point, thus you add 62.5 echoes to the 37.5 expected equivalent echo value of the renown, and you have a 5.8 epa grind (probably a high floor considering my rough calculations).

Nice epa, not so great CRpa.

Hey so… speaking of that, how does one raise casing in parabola?

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I’d like some clarification on if there are hints towards this as well. If the surfacers are just another imperial minded player in the game i’m perfectly happy to support the tomb colonies as the underdogs here. If there is however, any inclination towards darker alliances, that might be worth a change…

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Thannnnnkk you mr_j!

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OK, so with Parabola grind, you can get 7 casing CP per action.

10 casing CP is worth 1010 CR, or I expect 10.10 echoes.

Thus the parabolan casing grind yields 7.07 Epa or 707 CRpa.

Which is… great… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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So basically, unless you have made a deal with the Big Rat or maxed out your Shadowy to 230, Helicon House is the only way to grind Casing at a sustainable rate.

And the Helicon House method is even worse than this, if you factor in additional actions to take the train there then come back to London.

So this method it is:


Aha, I see…thank you, fishandchips.