Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

Thanks for explaining, I was having trouble saying it understandably!

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It’s happening!! The Wakeful Eye, burning bright!

“A Striped Officiant is all smiles, which is unfortunate in a tiger” i already love the writing for this


If we might describe things as “Dickensian” in our own world, I wonder what the Neathy equivalent might be. Huffian? Huffamish?


Oh, okay. Thanks skinnyman.

Like, in the same way that the traitor empress is queen victoria and i think the manager is Gilgamesh(although he probably isn’t)? Oh that’s really cool! Thanks DarkSquirrel.

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Earlier in the week I just finished unlocking/doing the Wakeful Eye and getting all four tiger ministers, also did a few Carnelian governorship terms.

Turned in all the seven clues to Huffam, welcomed the fabulous tigers to the Coil. So now we wait for the opening ceremony, which I surmise will have a flurry of shocking and wild incidents.

There is also that little matter of deciding which new Estival item to get.

I already have a Red Science hat, surely I cannot grow another head and equip two hats at the same time.

Pilgrim’s Sandals? But I already have many Watchful boots and Chthonosophy has limited in-game usage at this point.


You could if you were not a coward/sar

And you could get one of them for the Insubstantial/Inerrant /the regular attribute bonus.


The devils work hard but Fallen Londoners work harder!

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Wasn’t that Dr Schlomo?

Oh no, my finger slips every time there’s an event, lol! I did not want that big staring eyeball. Oh well, at least it’s very FL in style. I should maybe just quit trying to play on my phone.


Nah, this is Schlomo. A much younger gentleman - he’s only in his forties, while Huffam will be pushing 90.


Only fitting, as Dickens was born in 1812 and Freud in 1856!

That’s the funniest damn thing I’ve seen all day.


Ooooh, now I understand! I never would have thought of that because I kind of ignore those bars to not spoil the experience. :slight_smile: But I do understand that it can be a concert to some.
Thinking of it, it was somehow worse in the past: there were bugs/things that enabled you to get, for example, two mutually exclusive companions. No benefits to it, but I am glad FBG didn’t make any more mistakes. I HATE games that rely on FOMO .

Yup, they are used in Firmament which is late-late game. You can check the other items, compare with your ambition and see if there are alternatives during other festivals. Pick something that remains and don’t worry about the helper skills (Neath, Iner, Insub).

Yes, shame! :frowning:

Oh, thank you, sir/madam/captain!

With the arrival of tigers and Eastern zee neighbors, we got two new options while Engaging in a little preparation.


I wonder if we’d see the introduction of a new faction later.

There should still be the Tomb colonies at the very least.

Or do you mean the Tigers being added as a permanent Faction with a card?

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Maybe, or perhaps something else altogether. Just like how the diplomatic Starved Men made their debut in previous Estival.

My hunch tells me that this Estival will involve some conflict between the Tigers and the Khanate folks, they already have an ongoing rivalry at Port Carnelian.

This time it will spill over to the mainland in London.

The Tigers arrived first because the Court of the Wakeful Eye is nearer, so less sailing time needed. Clever attention to detail.