Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

So… where are the 7 leads that I must find?

Very nice items this year, not sure which one to get.

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Personally, I feel that there might be more potential uses for Chthonosophy in future. I maxed it out to level 5/5 during the last Firmament chapter.

Need to also check that the item you get does not clash with another item on the same equipment slot that already gives you that attribute.

Or just get it for its aesthetics, or flavour text.


Man, the clues finished before I could get to them! I really wish they’d have a higher threshold of players for completion. I’m an endgame player who’s been here for every Estival, as up-to-the-minute as 20 actions and sleeping every night allow almost the entire time of all of them, and yet I think I’ve only still been able to contribute to 2 clues total by the time I’ve gotten to them.

It doesn’t really matter, I guess, since you can get them regardless of when they’re completed, but it loses some excitement when you’re not racing to contribute.

In the plus column for this event, I love that all our tributed orphans are back and doing great and slightly confused at why they were adopted just to be tributed!


Speculative, but I suspect there’ll be at least another round of clues once Huffam’s performed his investigations. The hardest to access of these is only PoSI-locked so there’s a good chance we’ll get another round later to push people towards later game content (plus, almost certainly, at least one clue that’s fate-locked to get people to buy the content).


The quality change description upon delivering a 7th clue already mentions a unique reward. If this is the only mechanical reward for collecting clues it sure bodes well for newer players that a lot of clues are easily accessible.

My guess is that from the new crop the Pilgrim’s sandals are probably the best “general purpose” item. General purpose as in excluding roleplay reasons or the desire to maximize profit in a particular grind.

I delivered the 7, but the story where you can do that is still there.

Locations of the clues:

  1. Labyrinth - The gate to the Sixth Coil
  2. Labyrinth - Bishop
  3. Labyrinth - Tiger Keeper
  4. Moloch Street - Detective
  5. Wolfstack Docks - Mr Inch
  6. Bazaar Side Streets - The Offices
  7. ?
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Congratulations to Charles Dickens on getting a new look!


So… I guess I’m too late to submit clues?

Please have a longer window or grace period for such things. I remember when Zee monster hunting event was first implemented, it ended almost as soon as when it started.

Keep in mind people might be offline, doing other stuff or located in different time zones.

  1. Your Lodgings - Chat with the Local Gossip, Speak to the Clay Coalman

All clues have been collated in this thread.


…may I kindly ask what’s the context for this post?

It’s not too late, you can collect the clues and still submit them to Huffam.


Good to know, thanks. Because I’m stuck for now at some in-game location, and it’s almost time for my nap.

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Being in west coast Canada timezone, I’ve given up on ever actually being able to successfully help initially complete any clue, everyone across the waters is way too efficient at wrapping them up before I’m even out of bed! I guess a low 100 threshold ensures that it’ll get done in a timely manner or something.


Checked with an alt that can get a clue and everything still works.

Our Mr. Huffam got a nice face lift to this!


Yeah, I know you can still submit them and get any rewards after they’ve been filled, but I still wish there was more time to participate in the filling, just because it’s fun feeling like you contributed.

It’s not a big deal, but I just don’t understand what the point of keeping it that limited is, surely they could increase the goal quite a bit more without having to worry about it going uncompleted, and as it stands it’s a whole mechanic that only a pretty tiny set of players actually manage to fully enjoy. A small grouse, but I’m still grousing it.


The storylet does say there’ll be more clues as the event progresses.

Huffam is Dickens. Simple as.


I don’t think it’s limited. Last years players could delay as much as possible their own progress. I did that too last year just to gather all the possible clues and I think everything stretched out over 3 weeks.

You are correct that the clues are always collectable by everyone. All we’re talking about here is what happens when you turn them into Huffam. There is a brief early period of the first 100 turn-ins that Huffam sees that contribute to developing his understanding of the situation, but that progress bar caps at 100. So for many or most of us, there is a distinct “late to the party, didn’t contribute anything to this mystery” feeling. There is no mechanical consequence afaik, and possibly even no textual difference, it just needlessly makes us feel like we can’t really contribute in-story to the event.