Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

(Do i spy a TLT fan??)


Hence the /ref :p

Hehehe yessss!!! Tlt fan sighting!!!


Oh… sorry, I don’t know what /ref means, and thought you were serious :sweat_smile:


/ref is a tone indicator that denotes you’re making a reference lmfao, you’re all good friend!


In all serious I do find the community steering of the event deeply unfun as it is essentially impossible to have any meaningful effect on the story no matter what you do unless you are part of the in group that wants things to go a specific way, but I’m obviously not mad at any players. I think it’s really bad design for engagement, because by an hour or so after the donations option opened it is impossible for anyone but the leader to win, no matter how many actions you dump into even the runner up. But I hold no ACTUAL ill will, I’m attempting (and I suppose failing) to express my frustration heightened to a comedic level to make a mockery of it instead of crying lmfao


Did the Coilheart Games general storylet – the one available from any location – recently vanish for anyone else? I can still get into the Tournament of the Body in Watchmaker’s Hill, and can still spend Estival tokens and the like in the Fifth Coil, but the main Games storylet is gone.


Did you hide the Fifth City storylets?



If it helps any my gameplay is based on vibes “i love taking the dryasdust team out on the town, what else looks fun”


I got confused and thought you were describing democracy for a moment!

Back when these events were elections, things were even worse: it seemed to really bring out the tribal instincts in us players and the forums got rather heated at times. I think that was partly why they retired that particular format, as it didn’t seem quite foster the vibe they were going for.

TBH I think part of the problem is the visibility of standings. The plot is great and all and I look at it, but I suspect if we didn’t have a visual representation of how things stood, in fact if the results were completely unknown, people might be more motivated to support particular interests rather than “uh oh, gotta be on the winning side just in case there are material benefits”. It would also have been helpful to know that supporting the winner didn’t individually matter in terms of qualities or rewards: it used to back in the election days, if I recall, as I think the supporters of the victor got slightly more prestigious text and/or rewards.


Interestingly that’s also what I’ve been seeing in this event. It’s honestly quite unfun to me. This story personally feels like it would have been better as a solo player ES than a collaborative one. I only caught the tail end of Horticultural Festival but personally I felt the way that banded the community together was, in every way, preferable to how this event has run. I don’t like how this event has functioned at all, because I view Estival as a space you can tell stories that impact all of London, but this year really underpins the problems there: if everything is determined by mob mentality, then there’s no real player agency on an individual scale. There is no reason I, as a player, am specifically needed in this event. And I think in some stories that makes sense! But it makes for feel bad moments in an event that’s limited edition, because you have urgency (it will go away) but there is no equivalent “no your participation specifically matters!”, which like…

Look, in plots like City in Silver or various Khanate stuff that makes sense, but there’s also no urgency there. You do it whenever you do it. You know?

Idk, I just am not enjoying this event at all.


I understand that supporting the winning team makes no difference. You get a small reward at the end of each game regardless of which team you supported. However, do the number of actions you use to support your team make a difference in any long-term mechanical rewards? If I spend 100 actions to support my chosen faction/team, will I get more or better rewards at the end of the estival?

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Unclear, but you’ll certainly be able to trade in for more treasures before the coil opens.

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Thanks, DarkSquirrel! That’s exactly what it was. :) I’d never actually intentionally collapsed that down before, so had no idea what could have caused it.

Sorry to hear! I admit I’ve pretty much tuned out the competition aspect apart from exercising each of the options at least once across factions and then gathering clues. The latter I’ve very much enjoyed, since it has taken me back to many places and activities I haven’t done in ages (heists, playing chess with the boarman, parabola hunting, viric dreams, etc.). If you can bring yourself not to care too much about the factionalism, I think it has been a pretty nicely paced and interesting event thus far, at least for me.


I’d have enjoyed this aspect so much if there weren’t so many fate locked ones tbh. I would be more than happy to pay for the stories actually, I just don’t have the actions to play through them all to get all the clues.

I was fine about the factional stuff until all of my favorite factions got cut out of the finale, that kinda killed it for me. I did like the tournament stuff until things got heated last round and then it became really clear that we just have no individual agency here.

The clue hunt would just be so much more fun, at least to me, if we could like… buy the stories and play them later but still access the clue, or if there was an event active discount on action refreshes if you purchase one of the stories, or something like that.

Honestly I’d buy all four fate locked stories right now if I actually would have time to get through them.


Aha yes, the boarman, the dude stirring the giant :boar: you ride on through death’s River.

Can confirm As someone who switched teams every tournament: didn’t care about the factionalism, was pretty good!


From the recent events, I suspect that the Colonists want to rescue prior “winners” from eternal torment wrought by some King Fingerking that almost managed to escape into the Is.
It could be that they are wrong about the torment. The winners may be the ones who keep the dang thing down there, locked in an eternal struggle to preserve what is. A battle that the Tigers can’t win. Or at least believe they won’t due to a tremendous failure in the past.

My support for the colonists remains steadfast. They know better than most what is in store for them, and are undeterred.


Hex, By “treasures”, do you mean the “Distinction of waking Fire” adornment and the other seven things you can purchase with coilheart renown starting with fighting weasels, grubby urchins, and shattered mirrors? While I did obtain the adornment, the rest of these do not appear to be particularly impressive rewards justifying the spending of actions to obtain them but, perhaps, I am wrong.

I love this theory!

(I also remember watching that on TV!)

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Yup, but I decided to stop sharing them in case someone’s fingers are to itchy. :smiley: These 5 clues, the only currently available, are really mind blowing!

Btw, the last 2 clues will be available AFTER the tournament is over!

Now, we got something there, there’s an offering related (us maybe?), both Death and ancient Tomb colonist claim to never met someone that died there, in the 6th and Waswood revealed us a pretty scary and ancient snek.

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