Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

I’m not seeing how doing a different and more random set of clicking is more fun gameplay.

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…I never said anything about that? I was just trying to help!


Oh, I like this protector person! They seem like a good sport. I’m sure that, in other circumstances, she and my pc would have been friends.


For sure, and appreciated. The problem isn’t the options, it’s that in ONLY this tournament we suddenly have extra, pointless clicking to participate. It’s a game design issue, not an accessibility issue.

I mean, this game is designed to be a clickfest with actions as your bottleneck resource. :upside_down_face:


Yup, I’ve been on here for 10 years.

Changing outfits doesn’t cost actions and neither does cycling the tournament support options by clicking the zero-action cost sideshows. It’s clicking for the sake of clicking.

Again, every other tournament hasn’t required us to change outfits for one third of the support options. This is the only one of four that has made us do that.

The difficulty seems to scale off your base stats, with increasing levels basically increasing the difficulty at a higher rate than the effect of the levels. This comes with the caveat that higher base levels give more renown.

If you want to 100% all stats, and do not care much for optimal renown, tank your stats. It should be easy -if tedious- to rollback with apprenticeships and weasels of woe, and a lot bottled oblivion.

Aww, now i wish I’d gone with the Eagles. My guys are just kind of sad and violent.

The soldiers of Skite look at once fragile and frightening, their open, ever-bleeding wounds signifiers of both their mortality and their utter refusal to fall.

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Yes, yes, switch your team…join us…we have cake.

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Oh and the poor Whispering Duellist:

Fallen London E A Bell/37472709

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Omg the sunk cost fallacy though. Or does it just transfer no matter which team you help?

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The renown? Yeah it transfers, I’m pretty sure.

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Ahh screw it…but the tomb-colonists! I love them. Are they last? …probably.


As noted before, Eagles are desperately last, Colonists are a lot third, Skitties are catching up and Tigers are first, but lost over 25% of their lead over the last 4 hours.

Your “points” stay with you regardless and you don’t get a benefit from backing the winner, with the exception of what the overall winner does to the storyline.

Once you start backing a new faction it adds only the new actions’ value to them.


So, we know the Tigers do NOT want to win and they know what’s down there. I agree that this feels a bit like the King of Cats (spoilers above), but the new clues offer something interesting: Fallen London!

Using the Diary of the Dead it looks like the winner will be a sacrifice for something. “Offering enough for another age of peace.”.

This is getting better and better! If the Tigers are to secretive and think they can just manipulate everyone, I suggest we make them win the game!

GO TIGERS! :tiger: :hat:

EDIT: And more interesting with another clue: Fallen London.

The Boatman rattles a sigh. “But the answer is no. Whatever occurs within the deeper coils, it occurs beyond my reach.” He will not be drawn further on the subject.

Tigers have already won a game, so they’re already going in the labyrinth. Lets try to get some diversity in the team, shall we? GO SKITE!


Another one of the new clues supports the “huge lolling Fingerking ready to leat the world” theory.

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Wait, i have a new theory


The only people I hate worse than those who made lampcats lose are those who will make Skite win.

Death first to vultures and scavengers /ref

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Oh come on now-it’s just a game mate, no need to hate noone.