Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

One of the mechanics I liked about the elections was that the number of “votes” any single player could caste was essentially capped by their Notability. That is, players with large amounts of time and/or Fate couldn’t dominate the election; more casual players could make a meaningful contribution.

Of course, as others have pointed out, during the elections some people got rather unpleasant in the forums (the Coilheart Games haven’t gotten anywhere near as bad). But I think (hope) that was a function of “politics,” not mechanics.


I do too! LIVE. Oh it was embarrassing.

I would respect FBG so much more than I already do (which is a lot), if they did a Capone’s Vault on the Sixth Coil!


Lol omg, i think there would be rioting upon the forums and the discord would be aflame. What a blaze of glory, tho.

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I’ve only been on a winning team once. The reward was a cellar of wine. The other, non-winning rewards were a map scrap and an antique mystery. So I’ll say there is a slight difference.

NB I’ve not bothered to look up any of the information on who is winning, or not. Why would I spoil it like that?

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I got a LOT less frustrated when I completely accidentally realized i didn’t have to get every single clue to get the vanity Investigative Journalist quality, and had actually gotten up to like 16 or 18 just finding the ones i could. There were at least some ppl who weren’t Friends and didn’t ever buy an ES who got all the way to Muckraker anyway. I thought you had to get every clue in every sequence! WHOOPS. i also felt better seeing the guide and how many “free” clues were actually available. (DUMB PERSONAL DETAIL alert, it was my late dad’s birthday yesterday and he was an actual journalist and the storyline made me smile, then i got upset i wasn’t doing that well at it, then got upset at myself for getting upset, &c &c.) I think this was sadly due to my own piss-poor reading comprehension bc of FL FOMO or whatever, but once i gave up attachment i was rewarded with the labour but not its fruits, if you buy into that stuff.

I just completely kind of ignored the Deep Magic type lore scheming and rooting strategically, so it was just an emotional attachment to the vanity quality that tripped me up, lolsob. I do think ppl tend to feel angry and left out and even kind of shamed if they feel screwed over…FBG has apparently been working on that unfortunate aspect of Estivals but as always in life, there is always more to do.


The little zero action “Take stock of the competition” choice tells you, and i kept clicking it for different flavour texts before realizing that was just not happening, lol. So then i just ignored it. “Wander the sideshows” at least shuffles the Airs and is typically amusing.


Very Interesting! Personally I haven’t really been bothering with the clues, just performing the basic action for every tournament & trading the renown for mountain shards to give as tribute to the court. I honestly have no emotional attachment to anything in this estival, I just enjoy the great storytelling and flavor.

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I haven’t even made it to the court! I got several shards and was like, “Ooh pretty, so, where’s the story bits?” I’m one of those people who wants a FL Encyclopedia (I’m VERY excited abt the upcoming game).

It is an easy environment to get sucked into and hung up on, no doubt. But that’s also why it’s fun…


Oh yes, the competitive environment is fun in a way, although I don’t like the toxicity it naturally leads into (there’s a reason why I don’t watch sports).

Oh, that would be grand! I’d buy that in the blink of an eye.

As am I! God I can’t wait for them to do live plays of that.


For what it’s worth, there is an unofficial lore wiki.


Ohhh, I didn’t know that! Wonderful!

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How exactly does this work? I was under the impression that only progress mattered and it only increased.

Yes, that was the exact reason FBG replaced that festival. Some people, including myself, were avoiding the forums during those two weeks. But, besides this unwanted part, those were some interesting events with a bunch of interesting NPCs and players here. :slight_smile:

Which contains anything you may wonder! I would not recommend people to visit it randomly to avoid spoiler. But head there after a story or an interaction where you think you might have missed something.
Or maybe for a recap of past events you missed/forgot.


I didn’t either! EXCELLENT

It only goes up, but the Tigers were in the lead by 7000 progress, meaning they had 7000 more than Skite. The lead going down means that skite was increasing at a faster rate than Tigers.


Here’s the echo for fighting the Tigers’ enemies in Parabola for the Tournament of Body:


I think their point is that your team will always gift you an item worth 12.50 echoes, whether they win or not. So, your choice of team makes a difference to the type of reward, but whether they win or not makes no difference to its value.


Lol. Al Capone’s Vault! I watched it live, too. There’s a couple of hours of life I’ll never get back! Thank you very much, Geraldo.



Well, I found out why Skittles are leading: they have more materials and those act as a multiplier.

Wow - pace yourselves, everbody! Looks like the servers are melting, I can’t even log in right now…

Edit: Hmm, the final Tournament has closed, but it appears we must wait a bit longer until the 6th Coil opens? Not seeing anything else so far.