Estival: The Sixth Coil is here!

Geez…. CRpA for going to the chessboard is terrible. 1, including turn in but ignoring travel.
But, if you’re more interested in profit, it adds 10E to the chessboard payout.

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Guess I’m backing the Tigers this time just to see what happens when their nose is in it.


So how does the Chessboard work this time around? Choosing a special side at first and winning? Or just going through a game?

Just a playthrough. You get a point of something and turn it in.

Edit: I don’t know if you need to win or not.

A favourite line: The Jovial Contrarian’s (non-)appearance in the sideshows!


I want the Tigers to win this tournament, but it seems the Bohemians are winniing the last time I checked.

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Where do you check again?

In your profile, your can search for the tournament’s name quality (for eg. Imagination). It shows who leads, the point of the team you’re supporting.

If it doesn’t show, try searching right after winning some renown.

Yes the Bohemians are winning Imagiation by a large margin. If you keep supporting the Tigers there, they might still take second place from the Kolomans, but if you want the Tigers to win something, you’re better off switching to the Intellect tournament early.

Zolana posted this on the FL subreddit. Maybe some people here like the tournament graphs too (made using data from the wiki).


What happens to leftover esteem at the end of the event?


I’d strongly recommend that people switch to the Tigers for this one. They’re a close second, and it would give us a chance to see what happens when they win.


You can also check who is leading by playing Take stock of the standings for 0-actions on one of the tournament storylets

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“Kolomanian players have a remarkable faculty for the game, reading the board like a newspaper (per-haps one with eyeholes cut out).”


From Take stock of the standings (Intellect) - Fallen London Wiki


I’m sorry, but the Principality is only in this round and I really like them. I’ll probably try to go Tigers for the last round though.


It seems like, they’re also a lot keener about playing chess than they were about explaining exactly which mountain range it was they were supposed to be singing the praises of - and the thing about the board having six sides and a secret seventh side sounds as if I might have heard it before, though if so I can’t remember where from.

How are people viewing all four teams’ progress numbers? It seems like, I only see one when I check.


If you’ve been following along with Huffam’s clues, there’s a strong suggestion that helping the teams you LIKE to win might in fact be doing them a grave disservice. I was pulling for the Principles at first, myself, but decided that I like the Rubberies too much to feed any of them to what might turn out to be an enormous Parabolic serpent or something.


Tigers deserve to win Body anyway. I don’t care how buff any human gets, they’re not beating a tiger. Unless the next surprise contestant is the Bishop of Southwark that man could do anything and I’d support him in anything too


Well. I recall, in my own distant youth, wrestling tigers in the Carnival for just under 2 Echoes’ worth of dross.


I would wager that many of us aren’t strictly ‘human’ anymore.

And yes, we need the stripey cats to taste their own medicine.