Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

Interesting. If I’m reading this wiki entry correctly, the conversation has an option to give Pinnock a veils-velvet, but if you have a veils-velvet in the first place, you’re locked out of the conversation? That doesn’t seem right.

Also, if you have a powder of renewal, then even if you killed Cups, isn’t it a fairly trivial thing to turn it into a secret college? You hardly need Pinnock’s help.
edited by Tsar Koschei on 7/29/2021

Well, I’m not unknown in the Great Game so maybe… but donating that much money seems rather foolish when I’m barely a POSI. Any idea if there’s a commensurate reward?

The in-game note promises one after the end of the festival. Plus you immediately get an Affiliation with +4 Respectable and +1 AOTRS.
edited by Wojciech on 7/29/2021

Which is, of course, unique and will presumably never be available again after today.

One of my alts has a crimson book and enough scraps to get one of the other items if the right relicker turns up. That book is so difficult to get so fingers crossed for an appearance from the Coquettish or Shivering Relicker before it is too late.

Has anyone echoed giving up the toxin-flight? Maybe I should have done that one instead of blood…

[quote=Orioza]It’s easier to just research it in the lab if you have access to one.
And maybe a little faster in terms of the grind time.[/quote]

Less risky… but hardly ‘easier’ or faster.

Oh well, I kind of fancy getting that ‘A Preserver of London’ item.

Well well, wasn’t that the worst possible timing for my laptop to go bust… :(

Did I miss anything one-off and unrepeatable during the past 24 hours? I was last online shortly before the last dig site would’ve been unlocked.

[quote=phryne]Well well, wasn’t that the worst possible timing for my laptop to go bust… :(

Did I miss anything one-off and unrepeatable during the past 24 hours? I was last online shortly before the last dig site would’ve been unlocked.[/quote]

All sites fully dug, each of the five sites has a new location that can be permanently unlocked, where you can grind for various expendable items.

Last quest is to build a device for the masters, which needs a super expensive late game item that newbies like myself don’t have and thus can’t complete. Sad!

So, for now, we’re simply on hold while some people who did not have insanely expensive items to donate try desperately to get them, while others decide that’s simply impossible in any likely future, and go on about their lives?

I gave the Crimson Book specifically because it’s the hardest one to get. I have two Secret Colleges.

Well the alt I mentioned earlier spent their time grinding notability and used a favourable circumstance to get a fifth Tears of the Bazaar. Now waiting for any one of three cards so they don’t have to use the Crimson Book.

Guess that puts them in your first category :)

Thank you, fishandchips! I do have one or two of the items but I’m undecided whether it will be worth giving them up…

I think we’re also waiting for regular players (like me) to catch up with the event. Did you guys really max out Saving London within a single day? ::

I’m miffed about something I just found on the wiki: Search for the Dream of a Desert - Fallen London Wiki
For an event that took place solely within London, they could’ve given us the smallest hint that there’s also something to find in the Viric Jungle. Now I don’t have enough Glass Gazettes and I don’t have the time to go grind them. So I guess I’ll just have to let this go. :(

For what it’s worth, there’s a tiny tie-in with My Kingdom for a Pig which I’ve echoed here. Since I don’t remember much about the story, it doesn’t mean anything to me right now.

Depending on whether London’s Plight locks at exactly 20 or 21, there’s either one or two more hours before it’s closed.

Almost all of the items have, at best, very limited uses outside of this event. Yes, use one. Otherwise you’ll miss out on a one-time opportunity and the expensive items will, what, sit around in your inventory indefinitely?

They can always be replaced (the Crimson Book is the only one that will take more than casual grinding over a few months).

I’m miffed about something I just found on the wiki: Search for the Dream of a Desert - Fallen London Wiki
For an event that took place solely within London, they could’ve given us the smallest hint that there’s also something to find in the Viric Jungle. Now I don’t have enough Glass Gazettes and I don’t have the time to go grind them. So I guess I’ll just have to let this go. :(

For what it’s worth, there’s a tiny tie-in with My Kingdom for a Pig which I’ve echoed here. Since I don’t remember much about the story, it doesn’t mean anything to me right now.[/quote]

Wait, THAT’S why I was getting those opportunity cards spamming my deck? I had no idea why they were there or how to get rid of them. I went to the wiki in the end, so I could work out how to progress (as they were clogging my hand and only giving me nightmares). If that really is related to the event, then - yeah - absolutely awful sign-posting! :sweat_smile:
edited by Robin Alexander on 7/29/2021

I’m not sure if this was the intended effect, but the finale of &quotMr. Chime’s Grand Clearing-Out&quot was an intense, white-knuckled time for me!

For context, I consider myself a high mid-tier player. I’ve been around for awhile, but I don’t play often or efficiently. I have barely scratched the surface of any of the new content outside of the Lab, and I have not yet finished my ambition, but I’m happy to say I pilled off an Impossible Theorem today!

And oh my that cost a lot! I was too low on Searing Enigmas to research the Theorem in my lab, so I had to convert a ton of Mysteries items to get Uncanny Incunabulum, and then sacrifice them to the Truthbreaker Engine in the University, and even then I had to burn a Trade Secret to get the last of the 26 Searing Enigmas I needed. So 40 actions or so in and I haven’t even started research.

So I burned through every last Coffee and Magnificent Feast that I’ve saved up over the years to get enough actions to complete the research. I am a patient person, so I never saw coffees or feasts as particularly useful, but that was before the introduction of this timed event!

The Searing Enigmas made the research go real quick, but as a mid-game player the Parabolean Research was Awful! I needed 300, and I didn’t have any of the advanced, late-game researchers needed to make that go fast.
So I had to dump 40 actions just on Parabolean Research.

I also didn’t realize that &quotA Reckoning Postponed&quot was ticking off by the hour, so I thought I was running out of time. So I’m burning my last Advantage to get the Impossible Theorem on the first check, then waiting white-knuckled for my actions to refresh (having long run out of coffee and feasts) to turn it into a Breath of the Void, but it worked!

So maybe I didn’t need to burn all 10 of my coffees and 3 feasts, but I’m glad to have made it. If you were wondering who the countdown was for, I guess it was for me. :-)
edited by Six Handed Merchant on 7/29/2021

I may be mistaking - but then someone surely will fix it - but Stone Pigs dreams and their Viric conclusion was around for quite some time. Maybe even since Zeefaring update, give or take. So it is not like they really came out of blue and without signposting. Little bit more of a lore, like for those, who played &quotKingdom for a pig&quot

Man, I am aching to see the conclusion to this.

And the storylet with helping the London simply vanished.
Well, makes sense, actually: it had a lock of Reckoning 21, while donating storylet is locked at 24. 3 more hours, then.