Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

[quote=phryne]I’m miffed about something I just found on the wiki: Search for the Dream of a Desert - Fallen London Wiki

For an event that took place solely within London, they could’ve given us the smallest hint that there’s also something to find in the Viric Jungle. Now I don’t have enough Glass Gazettes and I don’t have the time to go grind them. So I guess I’ll just have to let this go. :([/quote]

I thought that appeared at the same time as the changes to zeefaring. Someone even mentioned on here that it was a way of dealing with the new, nastier dream qualities. I went looking before the clearout started, and though I wasn’t able to undertake and actions at the time. I have been able to since.

I was wondering if something else would show up in the meantime, after the rubble is cleared. I guess there’s nothing to do now but await The Device.

I’m still wondering whether there’s going to be a Round 3. I mean, the stakes can’t get much higher than &quotdonate a T8 item,&quot right? Right?

…I hope those of you with Cider don’t have a tough decision to make in a few hours.
edited by PSGarak on 7/29/2021

Well, if the point is to completely confuse me, it’s working like a charm.

Man, this event has been amazing! The experimental nature showed in all the trouble with timing, but that sheer thrill to seeing us blasting through the goals towards the end, even if it felt a little too fast and I was frantic trying to keep up! And this ending’s been edge-of-your-seat exciting and tense. And I still have several of the new locations to check out!

[quote=PSGarak]I was wondering if something else would show up in the meantime, after the rubble is cleared. I guess there’s nothing to do now but await The Device.

I’m still wondering whether there’s going to be a Round 3. I mean, the stakes can’t get much higher than &quotdonate a T8 item,&quot right? Right?

…I hope those of you with Cider don’t have a tough decision to make in a few hours.
edited by PSGarak on 7/29/2021[/quote]
I have an Ubergoat I’m willing to sacrifice. :cool:

This was a great event. A few blunders were made, particularly when it comes to that one horse card, but it doesn’t eclipse the fact that the event was amazing and really brought the community together.

I’m liking my new affiliation, but too much nonsense in my youth has left me unable to take the description entirely seriously.

The Masters stole the precious thing, evidently.

Well the alt I mentioned earlier spent their time grinding notability and used a favourable circumstance to get a fifth Tears of the Bazaar. Now waiting for any one of three cards so they don’t have to use the Crimson Book.

Guess that puts them in your first category :)[/quote]

I ended up using my Sheaf of Poetic Drafts to call the Portly Sommelier to get some Master’s Blood. That new affiliation was too tempting :)

This affiliation also feels like the kind that will pop up later as a special quality delivering action options in the future. Or possibly an opportunity card after the event.

It was very rushed towards the end, probably not well thought out beforehand.

Also, I do not like the new players vs old players differentiation for completing the ‘final’ quest. It should solely hinge upon your participation in the main activities of the event itself e.g. digging or feeding.

I like to think of us all gathered outside the WalMart pushing, jockeying for position, and elbowing each other to try to get one of the rewards from the event, while inside, management is trying to figure out how to deal with the fact that there there was nothing at all in the rewards delivery truck when it arrived.

Alternatively, we’re waiting while someone in the deepest basement at FBG tries desperately to figure out what the reward will be and code it on the fly.
edited by Snort on 7/29/2021

I’m pretty sure it’s all set up and ready to go, just a question of how much of a pause they’ll hold before advancing events. If we’ve understood the timetable correctly, things may be about to jerk ahead again in about ten minutes.

It was very rushed towards the end, probably not well thought out beforehand.

Also, I do not like the new players vs old players differentiation for completing the ‘final’ quest. It should solely hinge upon your participation in the main activities of the event itself e.g. digging or feeding.[/quote]

It’s the first time they’re doing this, so I assume it isn’t an exact science. If they do another one next year, they’ll have this year’s data to properly calibrate.

I really liked that the rewards differ depending on how much you’ve been playing FL. Makes it worth the while. Next event, players that didn’t get higher level rewards this year, will have a chance to. That is, if they do an event like this again. I hope they do, it was really fun!
edited by Baron Lagavulin on 7/29/2021

I’m feeling as if I have missed opportunities with this experience. I am chalking it up to my stats being too low to access more interesting events and or the limited time I have to actually play the game.

And here we are, at the end.

Edit: oh, Hell. Do I go up or down? Should I observe this from above or below? Choices, choices!
edited by Tsar Koschei on 7/29/2021

[quote=Tsar Koschei]And here we are, at the end.

Edit: oh, Hell. Do I go up or down? Should I observe this from above or below? Choices, choices!
edited by Tsar Koschei on 7/29/2021[/quote]

I went up solely based on my Mr. Cards persona. But I did have an itch to see what’s down, too.

Reward includes +1 KT gloves!

I am not a Preserver of London, so I got this:

The Dreams of the Streets
Something stirs in the clouds above. Something stirs in your sleep. You are dreaming – but not alone. All of London is here, with you; there’s quite a crowd. It’s hard to make out the context of the dream; to understand why every other Londoner is here with you. They are fellow students in a grammar school. They are the other performers in an operetta. They are the audience at your trial.

The matter of all your dreams has come together; it’s rather like a carnival. One of your very own most prized anxieties dances a slow quadrille with a merchant banker’s suspicions of his business partner.

Recognise a familiar face
All faces seem familiar, in this dream. But no – she is someone you recognise from your waking life.

Reward: Storm Threnody.
edited by fishandchips on 7/29/2021

Usual request: echo when you go up or down, report rewards.

Echo from going up the Spire

In retrospect, I should have done that, but I rarely use the journal (almost never) so I didn’t think of it. Hindsight is 20/20.