Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

Honestly while, storywise, I am liking the event a lot, I am also feeling a bit confused by all the world qualities (and rapid completion rates) and overwhelmed by so many possibilities.

A small mechanical tidbit about this event is the way it has used recycled storylets. It is very obvious that the different flavors of volunteering, and the different ways to explore the various dig sites, as well as the different dig sites themselves, are all the same storylet, with minor text changes based on some quality. Initially it seemed a little strange to me that you had to take a 0-action slet to go down into the digs, but now it makes perfect sense. I’m pretty sure there was only one digging storylet, and it just hid/showed different options based on a hidden “location” quality.

It’s a clever way to reuse assets, but the implementation in the case of the volunteering feels a little too transparent for my tastes.

The only other time I’ve noticed this technique was in the Caveat Emptor ES, where the different lodgings you explored were mechanically identical but had wildly varying text. I feel like the different flavors of volunteering could have used more variation so that the asset reuse isn’t as obvious.[/quote]
Thank you kindly.[/quote]

You also get a favour.

No way can I find any of those massive gifts, so I’m just saving people.

Personally this is all moving way too fast now. I have to work full time and I feel like I missed an entire section of this one-time event while I was at work.

Is there any way to prompt a visit from a Relicker? I have the scraps; I just need the card.

[quote=DTravel]Personally this is all moving way too fast now. I have to work full time and I feel like I missed an entire section of this one-time event while I was at work.[/quote] Exactly how I feel about it. It was slow paced at first, and everyone was expecting the whole event to last two (or maybe three) weeks. Then they introduced that Cart card and everything was done within a day. Then there was this second part, which, once again, was done within a day.

Not sure if they were worried about it running too long, but the whole thing got super rushed, super quick.

edited by idyl on 7/29/2021

Are we there yet?

How do you even help the masters? I don’t even have those expensive items to build the device.

As far as I can tell, you need to have been playing the game for a LONG time to get there. Us humble new POSIs and below need to content ourselves with rescuing people.

Or take a break and do something else. I just opened the cave of the nadir, thanks to some of my earnings from the dig. and have finally discovered what Irrigo is. That purple core thingy would take months to acquire.

Selling the location of the Cave of the Nadir to either revolutionaries or spies will get you an ultra-rare item you can use.

I see a way to make an Impossible Theorem… but it’s too risky.

Tales of Terror - Extraordinary Implication - Uncanny Incunabulum

Shadowy Dealings at the University - Visit the Professor Denuntiatus of Infernal Rarefactions - The Other Thing in the Other Chapel - Manufacture Searing Enigmas
(Each time Requires 25 Uncanny Incunabulums)

Locate an Impossible Theorem

Challenge information
Watchful 500 || 342 - very chancy (41%) || 425 - chancy (51%) || 509 - modest (61%) || 592 - very modest (71%) || 675 - low-risk (81%) || 759 - straightforward (91%) || 834 - straightforward (100%)

Very low chance of success, very costly failure. But if you’re a gambler, go for it.

Interesting, I see some people talking about ‘long time’ players… I happen to be a strange sort, where I played early on and had a hiatus when I lost interest, came back when ‘Hearts’ was finished. After fulfilling my heart’s desire, I went on to fill FB’s desire in my becoming a bone-statue-tolgoist, railway tycoon and many other subsets of bizarrism, for instance, Artisan of the Red Science, (which is extreme DNA manipulation and beyond) and don’t even ask me about why I invested so much in Stewart of a (CENSORED).

My point being: this game is a playground for the imagination and nothing makes sense fully. It’s joyfully bizarre and bizarrely enjoyable. Finally, it’s the only game I’ve ever grinded so far to find out what comes next. They got me skillfully pegged like a slightly sedated stone pig.

[quote=fishandchips]I see a way to make an Impossible Theorem… but it’s too risky.

Tales of Terror - Extraordinary Implication - Uncanny Incunabulum

Shadowy Dealings at the University - Visit the Professor Denuntiatus of Infernal Rarefactions - The Other Thing in the Other Chapel - Manufacture Searing Enigmas
(Each time Requires 25 Uncanny Incunabulums)

Locate an Impossible Theorem

Challenge information
Watchful 500 || 342 - very chancy (41%) || 425 - chancy (51%) || 509 - modest (61%) || 592 - very modest (71%) || 675 - low-risk (81%) || 759 - straightforward (91%) || 834 - straightforward (100%)

Very low chance of success, very costly failure. But if you’re a gambler, go for it.[/quote]

It’s easier to just research it in the lab if you have access to one.
And maybe a little faster in terms of the grind time.

[quote=CaptainNemo]Interesting, I see some people talking about ‘long time’ players… I happen to be a strange sort, where I played early on and had a hiatus when I lost interest, came back when ‘Hearts’ was finished. After fulfilling my heart’s desire, I went on to fill FB’s desire in my becoming a bone-statue-tolgoist, railway tycoon and many other subsets of bizarrism, for instance, Artisan of the Red Science, (which is extreme DNA manipulation and beyond) and don’t even ask me about why I invested so much in Stewart of a (CENSORED).

My point being: this game is a playground for the imagination and nothing makes sense fully. It’s joyfully bizarre and bizarrely enjoyable. Finally, it’s the only game I’ve ever grinded so far to find out what comes next. They got me skillfully pegged like a slightly sedated stone pig.[/quote]

Pegged can have another meaning… ;)

If you sell the location, can you still go there?
edited by Bluestocking on 7/29/2021

Yep, sure can.

Do note that some of the options to sell the location of the cave are less profitable than others. The more moral ones will give you an item worth 312E, the arguably immoral ones will give you a 1500E item. Make sure you know what you’re getting.

The most profitable is selling it to the Great Game, which is probably the second-most moral option. Morality doesn’t seem to factor into it. The urchins don’t have much, and the devils don’t need it as much.

Also note: It’s revs or nothing if you plan to donate the item to this cause. There is no donate option for Location of a prince of hell, or for impossible therom. Which means you want the M-s B-d from revs.
edited by Kylestien on 7/29/2021

[quote=Kylestien]Also note: It’s revs or nothing if you plan to donate the item to this cause. There is no donate option for Location of a prince of hell, or for impossible therom. Which means you want the M-s B-d from revs.
edited by Kylestien on 7/29/2021[/quote]
This is no longer the case. If you have no other donatable items, it is currently possible to exchange Impossible Theorem or Location of a Prince of Hell (or the other equivalently expensive items) for a Breath of the Void, which you can then donate: Assistance from Pinnock - Fallen London Wiki
edited by menaulon on 7/29/2021