Announcing Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out

UPDATE: The Grand Clearing-Out has begun! Begin exploring the event anywhere in London.


Mr Chimes’ Grand Clearing-Out is a new, one-off festival in Fallen London. It is the weirdest, most experimental festival we have ever done, and it begins on July 20th.

Read more on our blog:

edited by StuartFBG on 7/12/2021
edited by StuartFBG on 7/20/2021

Well, this sounds rather spiffin’!

I am totally hyped for this. It has everything I want in a game.

New items! New stuff to do! Old items for new currency! The new currency is actually old or perhaps modified by the Red Science! Spreadsheets! Maybe even buried eldritch horrors! (I’ll also be making my own eldritch horrors, which are the aforementioned spreadsheets.)

I like the multiple and varied contribution paths, and I hope it does make for the &quotall hands on deck!&quot kind of experience. I’m also hoping that the GHR-level contributions will be varied in a way the optimal contribution reflections the player’s specific attributes (e.g. a player with high Red Science is better grinding and donating different items than a player with high Chesswork).

I’ll see you all at the digsite, bright and early.

Well, the cat’s finally out of the bag! Sounds interesting, looking forward to seeing how it plays out.

Hmmm…digging out a sorrow spider den. That sounds fun.

Oh ye gods, I KNEW selling all those biscuits for quick Scrip was a mistake.

[quote=Captain Blood Storm]Oh ye gods, I KNEW selling all those biscuits for quick Scrip was a mistake.[/quote]I’ve held onto my stock of 239 &quotjust in case&quot and boy am I happy that I did. Let’s see how far it’ll go in this thing… probably not very. Gotta get back to London ASAP to prep materials.

[quote=StuartFBG]It is the weirdest, most experimental festival we have ever done, and it begins on July 20th.[/quote]This sounds amazing! Can’t wait to see what you have prepared for us.


Wait, wait, wait! Is this something that I wished for some years ago: a project where all Londoners will participate towards a project?
edited by Skinnyman on 7/13/2021

[quote=Skinnyman][quote=StuartFBG]It is the weirdest, most experimental festival we have ever done, and it begins on July 20th.[/quote]This sounds amazing! Can’t wait to see what you have prepared for us.


Wait, wait, wait! Is this something that I wished for some years ago: a project where all Londoners will participate towards a project?
edited by Skinnyman on 7/13/2021[/quote]

You know, with how bonkers FL is going with the lore lately, at this point I wouldn’t be surprised if something happens like we dig up a mammoth skeleton that spontaneously comes to life in the lawless Neath and has to be fought through a carousel like a massive dungeon raid. I mean, the idea of eventually working in all the ideas from the various mayoral candidates was mentioned in our last ever election and I distinctly remember ONE idea was reanimating animals to use as beasts of burden. Would be very Fallen London to have the twist be that some come pre-animated.

Cornelius managed to animate a skeleton of his making, although he used a lot of esoteric shit to cover the bones completely.

I’ll probably spend most of my actions Digging.

This sounds really fun. I always ducked out on past elections because they seemed so contentious and frustrating to take part in. A collaborative summer event should be a lot more engaging for me to take part in, though. The whole fandom working together to dip up some no-doubt horrific excavation sites, that’s going to be great. I’m looking forward to it.

I’m sure the working conditions for this event will be safe and entirely sanity preserving.

It will be neat to be able to get some of the old Election items for free.

Wait a minute. The post says that if you have one of the “free” Election gifts you can trade it for 30 Cthonic Scrip. Weren’t the Wax Hardened Boots a free gift? And if so, and if I dig up another pair of Wax Hardened Boots, does that mean I can trade in one (or both?) of the pairs of boots I have for 30 Cthonic Scrip apiece?

I think that means the “Free Gift” quality from the last election. If you didn’t pick a free gift last time (and just kept the “You have one free gift!” quality) you get to get 30 cthonic scrip instead.

Well, I just produced 100 Rubbery Pies after clearing the others out a few days ago for scrip and that tanked my Bone Exhaustion for tomorrow plus a week, so we’ll see what all may happen.

Will we need Biscuits AND Pies or are Biscuits good enough? I have not hated anything in the game more than the Bone Market locking the railroad away from me behind itself. I haven’t even gotten to Jerico Locks yet and not for lack of trying. I get biscuits from the Blind Helmsman. Can I even GET Pies in any realistic amount anywhere else with just Ealing Gardens unlocked? I LOATH the Bone Market.

You can sell a Thorned Ribcage to Mrs Plenty for 5 pies without building a skeleton, or just beg her for a free Basket of Rubbery Pies. Technically that’s still inside the bone market. There aren’t any sources further up the railway, either; every Rubbery Pie source is in the Bone Market.

Good graciousness, person! How are you locked out by these gelid lumps! I think you need 10 actions worth of them for any stretch of track.
edited by Toran on 7/15/2021

Also, no. I’m the only one who gets pies in any number as far as I’m aware. It takes a week.