Whitsun 2024 is here!

For me, I got my device in my second year of playing, after saving all unspent ha’pennies from the previous year. Every year you get three free ha’pennies.

As a newbie, the first priority is to hatch as many unaugmented, once or twice augmented eggs as possible before the event ends.

Follow the guide and make a list, some of those hatched pets can be useful in a situation elsewhere.

Also, take note that this year the Scarlet and Pelagic eggs can be obtained without spending ha’pennies. Next year, another one or two types can be obtained without spending ha’pennies. They change the roster from year to year, keep this in mind when hatching your eggs.


Assuming you don’t want to spend ha’pennies.

This year’s Whitsun offers Scarlet and Pelagic eggs that you can acquire without using ha’pennies.

Scarlet - Invigorated - unaugmented
Scarlet - Invigorated - 1x augmented
Scarlet - Invigorated - 2x augmented
Scarlet - Invigorated - 3x augmented

Scarlet - Enlightened - unaugmented
Scarlet - Enlightened - 1x augmented
Scarlet - Enlightened - 2x augmented
Scarlet - Enlightened - 3x augmented

Double that number if you include Pelagic eggs, so a potential total of 16 eggs to hatch during this Whitsun.

For newbies without the Illegal Device, forget about hatching the 3x augmented eggs, so 16 - 4 = 12 eggs to hatch this Whitsun.

Next year’s Whitsun will most likely need you to spend ha’pennies to acquire Scarlet or Pelagic eggs, so do as many hatchings as you can for them this year.


Okay, cool! Here’s your answer, @Veritoss .

I will, thank you.


Welp, I’ll be getting the critters I ignored when those eggs were last around, and if I have enough time, I’ll see which item I’d like to get. Simple enough, really.

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Got the tentacular backback! Got a wriggly sabre too. Since there’s no actual new pokemon this Whitsun, I think I’m done bar the obligatory De Gustibus trades.

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LordBolo mentioned being able to get a Scar Under the Skin to level 3. I have level 2 already. Does reaching level 3 have any mechanical effects in the game?


as far as i can see after having it in level 3 for around a day, it does not.

It is an ongoing storyline, with one new level being available at every festival since this last Christmas. We don’t know what the continuation or conclusion of the storyline or any mechanical effects or rewards will be, because it is in the future.


I intend to get the ‘backpack’ too, althought this:

…with its new ‘Inerrant’ attribute does intrigue me.


Unless you are preoccupied with other stuff, if you have a Laboratory I find experimenting on Scarlet eggs quite profitable. You get a Nodule of Trembling Amber after a few actions. Compared to other items of similar value, it is slightly harder to get them elsewhere.

It also raises your Shapeling Arts.


It is part of the Firmament content that dropped last month.


As far as I know, it doesn’t have a use yet. Just like the other new attribute, Insubstantial.


It does have uses, though.


I’ve got one last question: is there new header art? Because if there’s new header art then I’m buying immediately


There are in fact several different header arts depending on where in the house you are.


I don’t think any of them are strictly new, but it looks like two weren’t on the wiki before so they might be rare. One at least I’ve only seen in other Fate content.


I hadn’t seen any myself or even on the wiki the last time I checked. Good to know, thanks!


And I know from personal experience Insubstantial does also have uses.


Well well, “a suggestion to bring this sigil before another connoisseur of strange delights.” I wonder.


Question to people who got Hellworm Cheese this year: Could you give Milk to the Cheesemonger again?
I received two cheese wheels but could not give him any more milk.
I just checked and I do apparently have the quality “Pails of Milk Given to the Questionable Cheesemonger 2” which means I apparently did? I am 100% sure I did not do that.
Has anyone else had a problem with this? Only thing I could think of is that some weird bug with my phone’s browser happened and it registered a wrong click on something that wasn’t rendered yet? I feel like I’m going insane here.