Whitsun 2024 is here!

Best in Slot, the item that gives the best bonus for its item slot in some stat or another. So the new satchel is the best Player of Chess item for its slot (because it’s the only Player of Chess item for the luggage slot at this time.)


Okay, thank you, friend!

The Satchel has a nice option on one of the TLU city cards: Growing the Population - Fallen London Wiki.


I’m having fun with the schoolmistress’ pets. I distilled some poetry in the lab and applied it as fertilizer to a mandrake. Which is all incidental to being pranked by a squid.

After the intro, it’s a cycle that lasts up to 10 actions, shorter if you fail. Payout is primarily Emetic Revelations and venom rubies. It is more rewarding during Whitsun, not sure how much. They’re using the new 2-stat challenges so that endgame stats give an advantage but only moderately.

The schoolmistress has told me a few things. Maybe more later. So far no
Squidling, but I haven’t given up hope yet.


Sounds good, earlier today I was working in my Cabinet Noir and hoped my Player of Chess could be higher. An additional 10% success rate to the challenge won’t hurt.


Update: I convinced a baby Minotaur not to poop in the flowers. 10/10 would garden again.

The text is quite variable. At least as much as the whisker ways. And there are, in fact, more secrets.


I got it, it’s very cute so far.


Maybe this year I’ll finally get a Monstrous Orb.

How to get these items? :face_with_monocle: :eyes: :eyes: I am missing information on Whitsun (Guide) - Fallen London Wiki

Oh, I see! This year you can enlighten bellic augmentation too !

What are the rewards like? The text sounds like it’s worth the price of admission alone, but I might need a more material temptation to take the plunge.


It’s venom rubies and emetic revelations so far.


Can I ask a quick faver from you guys? You obviously don’t have to if it’s too much of a bother(how do you write that?), but it would be nice if you put anything you say relating to the companions hatched out of the eggs in spoiler marks. I personally just want what’s inside the eggs to be a surprise. If you can do that, than very much thank you, but it’s fine if you don’t of course.


I´m just wondering, if I own everything that got egg-spawned during the previous whitsuns, and also get the four new bellics, is there any point in bringing up more eggs?

Except, maybe, when one wants to breed a whole bunch of inculcating krakens, just because you can?


You could try and get your Monster Nurturer Quality up to 77! It might be fun.


Hmm, turns out there’s not too much for me to do having done a few of these whitsuns! I’ve already gotten the free companions, the experimental augmentation device and all the triply augmented ones, so really the only non-fate thing to do was get one bellic augmentation egg and that’s it.

I did get the new schoolmistress area and am doing a few runs of that, it’s neat. But I think I’ll end up going back to Hearts Game after a day or two.


Same here. I already had two tattoos so I didn’t bother visiting Millicent’s Parlour and so I missed it. Hopefully it’ll still be an option next year.


Oh yeah, stopped by de gustibus to pick up my hellworm cheeses and drop off some hellworm milk as well as poke my scar,


Someone help my tired brain. Assuming we started hatching an egg today, how many eggs can we hatch during the event (without spending fate)?


Well, it’s 16-19 days, and each egg takes a day to hatch, so, assuming you put each egg into incubation right after the previous one hatches, you should have, like, 15-18 eggs? I think? I’m really really bad at math and my brain is also really tired.


Hello, im new to Fallen London and I’m participating in the Whitsun event and I would like to acquire a highly-illegal Experimental Egg Augmentation Device if any you kind folk have any to spare.
Here is my account
