Which NPC would you marry, if it was possible?

While I am not into the marriage aspect in the Neath at this time, I figure this might be a relevant thing to bring up as another way to admire some of the NPCs in Fallen London. I recently checked out this thread made about a year ago about landing pages for various NPCs (implemented even earlier). So, if any of them made the cut for your admiration, you can log in with their picture to the left instead of the exceptional hat. As soon as you log out, the exceptional hat takes it’s place on the page again. Here is the thread: http://community.failbettergames.com/topic7630-fallen-london-landing-pages.aspx

Heads up: Just focus on the ones with art as the opening post listed in the thread! Heed the warnings if you go beyond that.

I found so many of the choices people said very amusing thus far, it was practically like reading something in Mr Pages’ Fabularities. :) Nice work!

Thank you for that link, Ridagoth! The treasures buried in this forum… imagine we had a proper search function!

Anyway, this is gonna be my landing page for now, until I’ve actually made her acquaintance!

By the way, here’s the complete list of landing pages, incl. Rubbery Man & Pirate Poet!
edited by phryne on 1/30/2016

I would appreciate the last constable. Or the masters. The quiet deviless not,but that one from playing with soul could be nice.[li]

[quote=phryne]Thank you for that link, Ridagoth! The treasures buried in this forum… imagine we had a proper search function!

Anyway, this is gonna be my landing page for now, until I’ve actually made her acquaintance!

By the way, here’s the complete list of landing pages, incl. Rubbery Man & Pirate Poet!
edited by phryne on 1/30/2016[/quote]
You’re welcome, it seems like it was a good idea to revive that, especially when the feast of the rose is coming up. May not have some of the more popular picks, but it could be a nice change of scenery from time to time.

I agree the search function can be quite a drag for this forum. Google can be a swell alternative!
Check this out: Google

You could add quotations to narrow results and only contain the exact words. See the difference with silent soul.
Without: Google
With: Google

Just something to keep in mind when perusing the forum. Although, it can be spoilerific with the way there is a preview with each result, so keep that in mind. Sorry in advance for being off topic.

Edit: I shortened the links slightly.
edited by Ridagoth on 1/31/2016

My main is happily married, but there are a few options that I wish were open for my alts:

The Jovial Contrarian. No one’s mentioned him yet, but if you’re fond of arguing and making up, there’s no better candidate in London!

The Turkish Girl, and I see I’m not alone in this one. We’re all immigrants of sorts down here, after all.

The Sardonic Music-Hall Singer, the Repentant Forger, or even the Wry Functionary. You get a much deeper engagement, in terms of actually getting to know who they are, with them than any of the current crop of NPC spouses. True, it may cheapen the idea that there are more types of love than the romantic, and true friends are hard to come by in the Neath in any case. Still, the thought had to have crossed most of our minds at some point.

I’m kinda sad there aren’t any good cat marriage material. They seem one of the more intelligent groups in the Neath.

Can I marry to a job? Because I would love to get engaged to mine. It’s sexy, and it doesn’t complain if I don’t give it a gift in the Feast of the Exceptional Rose.

I don’t want to encourage you… but perhaps this one?

I must admit my character totally has a crush on the Turkish Girl. That turn of ankle as they kick off a morel and race past my character to win at Shroom Hopping is just . … .

But if they could marry any NPC they’d marry their Starveling Cat. (really the Wretched Mog from their ship, as they came to FL from the Sunless Sea)

So many, so many…
For Krawald: the Kashmiri Princess, the Pirate-Poet, or the Widow. Surprised nobody has mentioned the Widow yet.
For Loogan Cuthoat: the Cheery Man, the Cat’s Chiefest Claw (would love to get to know her better) or Sinning Jenny. He got to know her a little better through the Nemesis ambition.
For Ally Mooney: the Jovial Contrarian or the Revolutionary Firebrand.

I still have many more npcs to meet that I’ll no doubt be enamored with, but far and above The Last Constable. I’m saddened there’s no more to her story, barring as a Feast companion. And speaking of Feast companions I do have a fondness for the Canny Costermonger and the Presbyterate Diplomat

The Revolutionary Firebrand, hands down favourite.
The Barbed Wit certainly made a lasting impression.
February, maybe. I seem to like them revolutionary and slightly mad.

Why settle for just marrying a Master? I say we should all marry the Bazaar. Sure, we’re not as pretty as the sun, but let’s face it the Bazaar isn’t getting any younger. (S)he should really just settle down with a nice city and its entire population instead of pining after a celestial body.

More seriously I’d probably go for the Sardonic Music Hall Singer, the Once Dashing Smuggler or maybe the Affectionate Devil if I wasn’t certain he just wanted me for my soul. I have a soft-spot for the Melancholy Curate as well, but I don’t think it would work out.
edited by Hark DeGaul on 3/31/2016

A lot of intriguing answers here! Not many I’d have considered myself. I guess that sort of speaks to my perception of games and my acceptance that some characters are &quotromanceable&quot and others as &quotnon-romanceable&quot entities, rather than as living characters within a universe. This discussion seems to have opened my mind a bit. Thanks, all!

While my character certainly has a wandering eye (which wandered too far and cost him his soul), I do really like the Celebrated Artist’s Model. She’s intelligent enough that she saw I was initially only interested in the secrets she knew, wise enough to dump me after that realization, self-sufficient enough to carve out a career in the arts while I studied the Correspondence, and forgiving enough to accept me after some courtship. She’s more than a mere object of desire, she’s clever and independent, and has as much agency in the relationship as the player character. The fact that the relationship developed over several months of real time added to the immersion for me.

As I mentioned, my character also harbors some affections for other characters:

The Quiet Deviless has an attractive mystique about her, but I very much resent her now that she’s taken my soul and left me behind. I feel duped, and I intend to retrieve my soul to teach her a lesson.

The Music Hall Singer has an attractive intelligence much like the Artist’s Model, and I’ve been tempted to advance our friendship to a condition of intimacy, but after my last affair ended with the theft of my soul, I’ve decided to stay committed to my spouse.

And the Turkish Girl is very attractive too. I imagine she’s a fount of interesting conversation, being from a faraway country and having such an exotic profession.

I don’t want to encourage you… but perhaps this one?

By the way, I was completely mistaken with regards to the Matriarch’s species! Having only seen the portrait at a glance from far off, I’d assumed she was an owl. I now see my error. Thanks for correcting me, Kittenpox!

Have I not popped in here to say the Once-Dashing Smuggler yet? Then the Once-Dashing Smuggler.


The man who bombed the Brass Embassy.

Would it be unwise to say the Captivating Princess?

The Kashmiri Princess.

If my character wasn’t asexual I’d be very inclined to pursue the Esoteric Accomplice.

Have I mentioned she’s adorable? Because she is.

+1 for the Esoteric Accomplice!