[color=#ff0000]The Princess[/color]
^ Best. Answer.
Penstock. He’s a handsome fellow in that distinguished sort of way.
The Captivating Princess is an interesting choice, I find her dangerousness quite charming.
But I like Sinning Jenny more and more as I learn about her. She’s extremely subtle, I found some of her texts very touching. Maybe not faithful enough, sadly.
My first choice would surely be the Once-Dashing Smuggler! Then Feducci, the man of my dreams that will never know of my unending love for him. I’m glad to see that at least there are many others suffering with me.
edited by malaugurie on 1/28/2016
The Ruthless Henchman!
He is
[ul][li]a good dancer (Can waltz)[/li][li]educated[/li][li]light on foot[/li][li]murderously protective
[/li][li]has a nice beard
[/li][/ul]What’s not to like?
As for the Smuggler, well, I don’t want a spouse that abandons their dates on the first sign of trouble caused by themselves and breaks someone’s mailbox for declining a date. Too much take, not enough give. He seems like the sort that will murder a player on Nemesis simply because they skipped one dinner to chase a murderer.
Plus, a 10% ‘friends and family’ discount ;)
Speaking of which, it’d be pretty cool if some NPC spouses had unique ‘rewards’ and ‘menaces’ . . . say one spouse gives permanent scandal, but offers a unique opportunity card or discount . . . it’d make picking a spouse a lot more tactical, as well as adding to the role-play element, and make it more complex. It could be fun to debate whether to debate X you like and Y that provides for you materially.[/quote]
I’m not sure if I’m fine with a permanent menace point given that it might cause some problems on escaping Menace areas. However, I’m quite fine having menaces and rewards in their opp. cards and I agree with you that this is will make spouse selection more tactical and RP friendly at the same time.
For example, the Mercies may have significant Wounds on a failure (which will prevent you from functioning well in K&C) but offers decent boosts in your Elusive, Savage or Baroque upon success (which will be useful in duels).
For Penstock, I’m thinking of a very low chance luck challenge where his spouse will either get an off-season ToL (with a reasonable cap of course) or a horrible trip down the River.
Well, for Maria a female devil will fit, since she is going to sell her soul very fast to get more power.[li]
Rysiek… Hard. I don’t think the constable would fit… and devils are hated by him… none fitting right now.
I would like more of the constable, Sherlock and Othos (
Rysiek: YOU stole MY Papers
Othos: It is the other way around
Rysiek:You talkin’ to me, punk? Do ya feel lucky enough to check?)
A friend and I were just nattering at each other the other day about this - we both want Failbetter to give us the option to woo one of the Masters, darnit all! (Specifically Mr Pages - lovely nerdy darling!)
On a slightly more serious note, my list for NPC spouses would include:
- The Green-Eyed Devil (so dapper fans self)[/li][li]The Cheery Man (my Aliénor is quite happily a criminal, and finds older men dashing - she’s been pining from afar since she first visited the Medusa’s Head, even if he is technically a rival for her carving out her own criminal empire, but hey, if they get married, they can consolidate!)[/li][li]The Once-Dashing Smuggler (although I agree with others that with his personality, the marriage itself probably wouldn’t be so much fun as the courtship; honestly the appeal for Aliénor is his criminal contacts more than anything)[/li][li]The Provost of Summerset College AKA the Profoundly Educated Gentleman (he definitely isn’t as strait-laced as his position would like you to believe!)[/li][li]The Ambitious Barrister (Aliénor’s preferences swing more towards men, but she’s an equal opportunity type of lady, and it’s always good to have a lawyer in the family!)
These are my favorites so far. I’m still progressing, so inevitably I’ll come across someone I think my Aliénor would like to take for a ride. ;)
My reflection in parabola, as from the dreams.
on a slightly less serious note, Storm
[li][Redacted] [li]Changed my mind! A charming PC is much better.[/li][li]
edited by Appolonia on 2/14/2016
[/li][/ul]I always thought the Profoundly Educated Gentleman was someone else. Specifically His Amused Lordship .
[/li][/ul]I always thought the Profoundly Educated Gentleman was someone else. Specifically His Amused Lordship .[/quote]
Hm. I’d come across something noting the Profoundly Educated Gentleman was the Provost, though I can’t remember where (I want to say the TV Tropes character page for Fallen London). I could be wrong, I’ve only just started playing again after a few years, and the last time I did I’d just missed the Feast of the Exceptional Rose.
On the wiki, if you put your mouse over the picture of the Profoundly Educated Gentleman, the text says it’s the Provost.
Well, that answers that! :) Thanks for the info!
The obvious answer is the Capering Relicker. (I would love it if the Relickers were added as recruitable Feast companions)
Runner Ups
Mr. Pages
Mr. Irons
Jack of Smiles (A different lover every night)
Quiet Deviless
The (real) Duchess
The Tiger Keeper
Have you paid any attention?
I’m glad a lot of people are open for having Masters as their companions. Batty love is best love :D
July (from the Exceptional Story) was definitely the most attractive woman I’ve seen in FL so far…
edited by Rupho Schartenhauer on 2/25/2016
There’s two in particular I’ve been holding out for for a loooong time: the Barbed Wit, who I enjoyed the most out of all the characters I’ve had a chance to romance, and the Last Constable, who is one of the only genuinely good people I’ve met in the Neath. At the very least, I’d like a chance to help out the Last Constable more.