Welcome to the Mind of a Long Dead God

I would enjoy an invite if it is not overly troublesome.

Well, who am I to say no to free stuff? Do send me a letter, if you so wish!

I’d be happy to accept as well.

Thank you…

I have now left the Mind of a Long Dead God.

I’m sorry for anyone that I have not gotten the chance to send an invite to…[li]
edited by th8827 on 8/21/2016

I’ve accidently sent myself here - I’ll be happy to send requests to those who are interested in it!

I have been there before, but it’s been so long I would welcome another chance to experience it; please send the invite to cathyr19355; my alt is presently Chaining herself.

Yes, please. If I can return a favour, please let me know.

I would like an invite.

I’ll add my voice to the chorus.

I’m drawing these cards slowly (only 2 thus far) but I’ll get Teaspoon and Evangeline as I can (is Evangeline Ingram your FL name?)

We would be delighted to speak with thunder directly. If you do not mind sending us a letter.

It is sent. It is done, and I am now myself again.

It is sent. It is done, and I am now myself again.[/quote]

We thank you.

Ha, I thought this was here. I am headed back here again (interesting: almost exactly a year to the day.) If you would care to have a plea sent out of the heights (or depths, I know not which) do let me know. I’ll be leaving in a day or so.

Could you send me one?

If possible could you send me a shout out or plea from there?

I have just arrived to the Mind of the Dead God. Apparently one can send social actions from here. Anyone want a letter from thunder? It is card based, so I don’t know how many I will get, but I can try.

Edit: thanks to all my friends, I’m back home. That was a really cool trip. I’ll definitely go again some time. Nice harvest of Aeolian screams, too.
edited by Tozh Taurog on 11/16/2017

@ Lady Taurog
Yes, please!

Is there anyone else who could send me social actions for this (please)? I want to try it too…