Weekly Questions, Beginning 03/07/2017

Related, is there anything that increases Stormy-Eyed by more than one CP at a time? Or is that what Mutton Island is for?

[quote=Callan]Does anyone know the requirements for entering The Mind of a Long-Dead God? The wiki says 15 What the Thunder Said and 19 Stormy-Eyed, but I have 18 WTTS and just got back to London after raising Stormy-Eyed to that on Mutton Island and nothing happened.[/quote]Going to the Mind of a Long-Dead God is not an autofire event like getting sent to a menace area, but a universal storylet. Double-check to see if you have it, as it may have gotten lost in all the various election storylets currently cluttering the top of the list.

[quote=Tintinnabulum]Related, is there anything that increases Stormy-Eyed by more than one CP at a time? Or is that what Mutton Island is for?[/quote]According to the wiki, some of the higher level What the Thunder Said dream cards give more than one CP at a time, but the Mutton Island option is the only grindable method of getting it. You can shorten the amount of time you have to spend on Mutton Island by consistently picking the options that increase Stormy-Eyed on the dream cards, but to my knowledge it is highly improbable that you will get Stormy-Eyed high enough without some grinding.
edited by Kaigen on 7/6/2017

I have a couple questions:

  1. What’s the best way of grinding Connected: Masters? Currently I’m doing Proscribed Materials from unfinished business, in order to gift them to Mr. Pages in batches of 10k on that opportunity card, but is there an easier-to-grind method?

  2. Which of the renown items are worth grinding for? I.e. which ones are best-in-slot - both excluding and including fate items?

[quote=Dudebro Pyro]I have a couple questions:

  1. What’s the best way of grinding Connected: Masters? Currently I’m doing Proscribed Materials from unfinished business, in order to gift them to Mr. Pages in batches of 10k on that opportunity card, but is there an easier-to-grind method?

  2. Which of the renown items are worth grinding for? I.e. which ones are best-in-slot - both excluding and including fate items?[/quote]


  1. Using &quotthe special books&quot is much cheaper. You’ll pay roughly the same amount in Echo-value but gain 3 CP instead of 1.

  2. All of the level 40 Renown items are better than all other non-Profession items in their slots, except for the Criminals’ One Who Pulls The Strings, which is tied for best Shadowy with the Fate-locked Laconic Prodigy. If you do not have Flute Street, you cannot get the Rubbery Men 40 item, but you can get an equal Persuasive bonus from the Docks’ Unexploded Mine.

Nice, thanks. Is there a guide somewhere to grinding the various renowns? I know there probably is but I can’t find anything anywhere right now.

Well, that’s a weight off my mind. Thanks.

I don’t think there’s a single guide, and there probably won’t be one until the major Renown conversions are complete. Several individual factions have Favor guides.

The only way to increase Renown past 5 is turning in Favors on the given factions Connected item, which can be purchased from the Bazaar (a few can be obtained through other methods). The most common source of Favors is Opportunity Cards. Most &quotgrinding&quot means unlocking Opportunity cards that grant favors. Some factions have many, some only have a few. E.g. Tomb-Colonists have no cards beyond their Faction card, while Criminals get cards from the Ruthless Henchman, Alluring Accomplice, Gang of Hoodlumns, last year’s Mayor card, another card that unlocks at 20 Renown, and I may be forgetting one more. I don’t have a resource on hand for all of these cards and their unlocks. There are a lot.

If you’re dedicated to gaining Favors and are willing to spend Fate, by far the best purchase you can make is The Empress’ Shadow. This permanently unlocks Jenny’s Finishing School, a 12-14 action Carousel which gives a 50% chance for a favor from your choice of 4 factions (soon to be 7). This carousel also refreshes your Opportunity Deck, which also helps obtain Favors.

Just a few other important tips:
If your Airs of Londond is 96-100, you can obtain one Docks favor by speaking to the Chandleress in the Dept of Menace Eradication in Watchmaker’s Hill. This means you can grind one Docks favor per 23 actions on average, especially if you have something you want to do that happens to cycle airs.

Tomb-Colonist favors are easy to come by when exiled for Scandal. This is an extreme measure, but they’re frustratingly rare in London.

Rubbery Favors have a deterministic carousel in Flute Street (Fate-locked). Docks favors have a deterministic carousel on Mutton Island.

If you draw A Polite Invitation, several Favors are available at the party by interacting with specific guests at specific points.

If you are grinding Renown with multiple Factions, Conflict Cards will become a fact of life. You may want 5-card lodgings instead of a Remote Address, even though this makes opportunity cards slightly more rare.

Hell has a grind on polythreme.

And criminals one in jail.
edited by suinicide on 7/7/2017

My hedonist is currently at 7, and I would like to get it back to 8 or more. Is there any way to do this that does not involve the Tomb Colonies? I can think only of consuming the typewriter (expensive) or slowly, very slowly grinding at the Polite Invitation nibbles card.

Buy 750 Greyfields 1879 from Mr Wines, and you get +3 CP Hedonist, up to 10.

Oh thanks!

[quote=lady ciel ]The timers are very buggy. I’m sure that I read somewhere that Failbetter had enough bug reports sometime ago but, so far, nothing has been fixed.

I’m also getting a lot more blank screens and other errors. But I don’t know enough about these things to know how easy it will be to fix.[/quote]
My Time the Healer is late; it arrived almost a full day after its usual time last week (over 22 hours), and it looks set to repeat that performance this week. Does anyone else have the same problem?

Very helpful, thanks.

Did anyone already do the maths to find out how many favours are needed to grind up to Renown 40?

According to my calculations, it takes at least 238 Favours to go from Renown 5 (after the Carnival) to Renown 40. That’s if you make sure you succeed at all the attempts when they become difficult. Which should be possible with very high stats and many second chances.

No such problem on my end, so that’s a bit strange. Usually it only happens after the servers have been down, and then everyone get their Time the Healer moved in time.

[quote=Gillsing]According to my calculations, it takes at least 238 Favours to go from Renown 5 (after the Carnival) to Renown 40. That’s if you make sure you succeed at all the attempts when they become difficult. Which should be possible with very high stats and many second chances.
Success/failure shouldn’t change the number of Favors. My experience is that failing the stat check will lose you 1/5 of the material cost, but no Favors. But who knows, that may vary by faction.

No, I thought that a Favour was lost on failure. But I must have confused that with something else, like using a faction card to gain Detective’s Progress.

Yeah, you don’t lose the favours in the ones I’ve been doing, but as said you do lose some of the required items (though not, I think, all of them).
edited by Plynkes on 7/7/2017

Also Intimate of Devils cards past level … 6 or 7?

Also that one unlimited (until 15) rare gain in the feast of rose.

As a result of Election-time grinding, I now have Connected: Revolutionaries 87.

I’d like to burn this up before the conversion. How might I do so profitably?

The card “call in favours in the flit”