Weekly Fallen London Questions, 12/08/2024

Here’s this week’s thread for any quick Fallen London questions you’re looking for answers to!

What’s the highest EPA grind you can do without having to leave London? The Business of a Correspondent?

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Without having to leave London at all, or not getting stuck outside of London for extended periods? Tracklayer City is outside of London but can be entered/exited without penalty for just an action so you’re never far from the London deck.

Might be something with the Lab, depending.


Yes, not leave London at all.

Especially because I haven’t set up Tracklayer City yet! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It really depends on what you have unlocked and what your stats are. In ascending order of profitability I would think:
Professional Activities (simple checks)
Publishing a Newspaper (140 salacious copy)
Professional Activities (medium checks)
Hearts Game
Laboratory (Cartographers Hoard with Haephesta)

Though that’s not hard data, just what I vaguely remember if the profitability.

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So, was this the best Estival yet? I say it definitely, without doubt, might be.


Where were the Masters during the opening of the Sixth Coil?

Why do you think His Amused Lordship’s wine cellars are suddenly empty?

They’ll need at least until Hallowmas to sober up…


It seems like, I got this from the Secular Missionary card straight after I read this and couldn’t not laugh.

Or legless. If they have legs.

Is there a Parabola story? It seems like, I’ve been away from the game for some time and I’d find occasional mentions of Parabola as cryptic hints that looked as if they were meant to take a long time to get anywhere, such as Dr. Schlomo’s book or the existence of Parabola-Linen (I’d been speculating that it might turn up when a Having Recurring Dreams got to 10 or maybe followed on from the Mirror-Marches somehow), and when I came back it was much the same, and I’ve just reached PoSI and suddenly Parabola is being thrown at me from a Lodgings option and it looks like I’ve skipped a number of chapters and I’d like to know where the Parabola story was supposed to start from - preferably without too many spoilers, hence why I didn’t just ferret about in the wiki.

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Parabola wasn’t in the game for a very long period of time, but the Wars of Illusion at Mahogany Hall might be your best bet if you want to be introduced to Parabola “naturally”

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Thanks! How do you mean, ‘wasn’t in the game for a very long period of time’? Was it only introduced recently (except as ‘off-stage’ mentions), or was it there but took a long time to reach?

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This is exactly right. Introduced recently might be the wrong way to put it, since it’s been in the game for a good few years now, but for about the first nine(?) years of Fallen London, Parabola was only there as a deep mystery you could find hints about, instead of a place you could actually go.


I know that I have done a lot of runs in the new library stacks up on the roof with my main character - enough to get the new special book. However, I do not remember if I have done this with my Alt character (poor memory is another bad result of getting old). What can I look for under the “myself” menu item or in my possessions to see how far I have gone in the stacks with my alt character. I want to make sure that my alt gets any items needed for the next chapter of Firmament.
Thanks for your help.

It’s the quality called “An Interloper in The Library”

Thanks. Hmmm… that is strange. My main has Interloper in the Library of 6 but my alt does not have this property even listed in “myself”. I know that I have done a couple of runs in the library with my Alt before they released the newest book.

Perhaps the “interloper” description only applies to library runs after the introduction of the new book.

I’m probably suffering from more bad memory. Let me fly around a bit and see what I can learn.

Okay, I am a total chowderbrain. It looks like my alt has not even started the current Firmament chapter. He is only at Firmanent 105 and has not even been to the midnight moon. Sorry to have troubled you all because of my poor memory. So off to do a lot of “Firmamenting” for my alt now that the estival is over.

Is there a Firmament guide in the FL wiki? I cannot seem to find one.

That’s an excellent call-out, I’ve added it to the list of Desired Guides.

The closest thing right now is probably just the page for the Firmament quality, because the in-game level descriptions themselves do a decent job of describing the steps along the path. But there is no, say, list of materials to prepare beforehand. Speaking of which, before you step into the whale the first time make sure you got a thousand stuivers in your pocket.

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Hmmm… Wish I had known/remembered that before. I just went into the whale the first time, exited it, and am now talking to each of my three companions. When do I need the stuivers?