Weekly Fallen London Questions, 12/08/2024

Then you’re past that point, I think. It’s one option of several for buying the book. I was locked out of it during my run through. I think I would have selected one of the other options anyways, but I knew a few players were dismayed at not being able to pick it.

If I upgrade my spouse/s with Fate to give them an Advanced Stat point, and later divorce them … will they be available to marry again? (In this specific case, I’m talking about the two academics from University)
And if they are, then am I right in assuming that they will be their “base version” again and I’d have to do the Fate upgrade once more if I ever want them back?
I would just like to find out how final I should make my decision. I haven’t made up my mind yet which Advanced Stat I want to have boosted by my marriage. (Yes, yes, I know, I’m not being very romantic about this :upside_down_face:)

My alt just finished chapter 2 of Firmanent and is at level 200 of this story. Just before leaving the roof, the tatter-dude said something about needing to get a report to the admiral. Is there a place or way to do this? If so, I am not seeing it in Watchmaker Hill where the airship base is located. Thanks for your help.

Are you in Watchmaker Hill, or did you cross over to the Station IX location? It should be located the latter.

If you can, check for A Report for the Overworked Commodore in your Qualities.

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As always, your knowledge of FL is encyclopedic, psgarak. Thank you. That was the problem. I somehow went to Watchmaker Hill not Station IX upon my return from the roof.