Tournament of Lillies

I am quite utterly new to this having tended and indulged and nurtured my plant for a good long while.
However I am now eager to take my botanical beast out in to the open world!
Apparently though I am limited to those who ‘must have Attending to the Needs of a Singular Plant 10, Competing in a Tournament of Lilies 1 and Competing in a Tournament of Lilies no more than 1’
Where might I find such fellows, and are any here willing to come forward?
Please be gentle. I’m running low on rats to comfort the bloodthirsty thing should he fail.

Miss Loveshanks
edited by Loveshanks on 2/1/2014
edited by Loveshanks on 2/1/2014

Lady Door once again is looking for contacts for a contest of voices. Thank you friends!

Lily and I will keep looking for you! We really want that Rosette!

I’m at Hunter’s Keep at the moment. I will look for you when I get back to London.

I’m brand new to the Tournament (and new, for that matter, to social actions, and also to the forums, so hello), so forgive me if I’m leaving out vital information here, but…

I’m looking for a partner for a Contest of Strength (which, I guess, is the start of the Tournament?).[li]
edited by Jeereg on 2/11/2014

Seeking a Contest of Beauty.

The grotesque vegetation of my current environment of associates simply will not do.

My lilly thirsts for blood. Or wine. Probably both, come to think of it.

If anyone would like to join in a contest of blood, please let me know.

Defeated! My plant is a lightweight! My shame knows no bounds, but I shall persevere.

My plant has recovered from its temporary setback and would delight in showing the world that its inability to hold its drink that last time was merely a cunning ruse to give other, lesser, lilies a false sense of security.

I tried to challenge Dorian Foster / Constance, but I believe that Constance has yet to prove its strength and so is not yet ready for more rigorous tests of its mettle.

My vicar-eating (don’t ask) neathy plant is looking for a contest of cunning. Quite, quite.

If anyone is looking for a challenger in a contest of mysteries, do feel free to seek my plant and I out.

Aha! My apologies for my recent absence…for whichever reason, I found myself unable to add this or that person, and then became distracted, upon discovering a most marvelous book.

I am back now, and ready to engage in contests of CUNNING. My lily is quite the beginner. We only aspire to the ethereal ranks some of you have no doubt achieved.

EDIT: Keeping the lily’s status updated.
edited by dorianfoster on 2/26/2014

Please add me to your list of prospective competitors. I’ve been trying to get that rosette for a while now, with little luck.[li]

My marvelous plant, Mr. Frondle, is seeking a Contest of Mysteries and I don’t seem to have anyone eligible on my list of contacts. Please help before I have to feed it another vicar.[li]

ETA: I am actually now seeking a Contest of Voices. [/li][li]
edited by Quixoticcat on 2/25/2014

I’m seeking a Contest of Strength.

I am currently seeking a contest of cunning. I hope someone will add me, despite my 15 or so contests I have never progressed beyond this second tier.

hwoosh is seeking a Contest of Beauty.

The &quotsuggest a contact&quot function says there are no qualifying players. I’m not sure if that is a bug with the &quotsuggest a contact&quot function, or if there are actually no other players, out of us tens of thousands Neathers, who happen to be at this stage . . . either way, posting here is bound to increase my chances of finding a frond-duelling partner.[li]
edited by hwoosh on 3/14/2014

Currently seeking a content of cunning! Anyone game?

And I’m onto the challenge of blood… thank you!

Seeking opponents in the Contest of Strength. All welcome!