Tournament of Lillies

At present, my main character is raising up a new plant (having sold her long-established one during a fugue) and my alt’s plant has temporarily fallen below the minimum quality level necessary to participate. But soon, we will both be up for Contests of Strength (I hope).

My plant is generally available for challenges. The exact level changes all the time (usually for the worse) :-)

By all means, assail me (hwoosh, not Oswho) with leafy frond!

After a run of bad luck my plant is back down to the first contest. Each loss keeps damaging my plant quality and I never seem to draw cards to build it back up very often.

But I feel bad if I don’t accept challenges and without time to build up the plant again it means loss after loss.

How do other competitive botanists handle that? Do people generally ignore unsolicited plant challenges?

looking for contestants in the tournament of lillies.[li]
find me as

[quote=NinjaComedian]After a run of bad luck my plant is back down to the first contest. Each loss keeps damaging my plant quality and I never seem to draw cards to build it back up very often.

But I feel bad if I don’t accept challenges and without time to build up the plant again it means loss after loss.

How do other competitive botanists handle that? Do people generally ignore unsolicited plant challenges?[/quote]

I don’t know if people ignore invitations, but you should defenitly not feel bad about it.

[quote=NinjaComedian]After a run of bad luck my plant is back down to the first contest. Each loss keeps damaging my plant quality and I never seem to draw cards to build it back up very often.

But I feel bad if I don’t accept challenges and without time to build up the plant again it means loss after loss.

How do other competitive botanists handle that? Do people generally ignore unsolicited plant challenges?[/quote]

I almost never refuse challenges. But I often postpone answering them, sometimes for many days, until I feel I have a better chance of winning (e.g., have maxed out my Plant quality). If you are uncomfortable with being silent when you hold off on a response, or if you’d rather actually decline, why not write to the player (either through the Storylet at your Lodgings; cost, one penny) or through the forums if they are on the forums?


It has come to my attention that the curious plant in my drawing room is, in fact, a requirement for entry into an unusual tournament. I am a rank amateur in this sorts of things, but would interested in competing.

I just succeeded at a contest of mysteries and find myself with nobody to challenge for the subsequent match. Horrors! Not even anyone to suggest…

Ok, someone correct me if I’m wrong on this, but the way I see it on every contest when one person goes up a level the other person goes down a level. This means that it’s a zero sum game for every level except the base level in which one person goes up and the other stays at the same place. So doesn’t that mean that the only way for one person to get to that highest level is if another person loses on the lowest level?

Actually I seem to remember some observations to that effect dating from a while ago… I believe the game has been modified since then however. There should be another thread relating to this somewhere which might provide a better answer to your question than I can offer. And I’m still waiting for an opponent.

I think there is an element of luck to winning the tournament, maybe having a well grown plant is an advantage. At one point it seemed as though the challenger always had the advantage and some people set up a cooperative in order to help each other to the rosette but shortly after the system was fixed. As it is you just need to find people at your level and hope for the best.[li]

I’m always happy to accept challengers and just took my verdant menace to the second stage - a Contest of Cunning.

I once again seek a partner for a Contest of Beauty.[li]
edited by Timlan on 1/28/2014

Outstanding, Catherine came through and is meeting my challenge! I’ll be sure to say hello to everyone on my way down after an inevitable defeat ;)

Lady Door seeks acquaintances for botanical brawls. Currently at contest of mysteries.[li][/li]
edited by patwalsh_2000 on 1/29/2014

Challenge sent Lady Door.

Seeking partners for a Contest of Strenght[li]
edited by Baron Simur on 1/30/2014

Most entertaining battling your plant with the strange diet! We will look for you again when we hit the right level.

What strange diet? It’s perfectly natural for a verdant menace to eat vicars and coalmen.

And I’m back to the start again with another Rosette. Can anyone beat my Verdant Menace?