Tournament of Lillies

EDIT: as the previous Lilies thread went missing, I’ll turn this into a general thread.

For those going through the Tournament of Lilies and do not have anyone to battle with, here is a list of willing combatants and any restrictions they may have on how often they’re contacted.

Here are profiles and any restriction they may have.
edited by LadyTarvish on 12/11/2012


What happened to [color=0099CC]the old thread[/color] for this? I found it via Google but it only displays a blank page.

Myself, I’m seeking a Contest of Blood (3).
[3 Rosettes now]
edited by Esterhazy on 3/23/2014

[color=6666FF]I don’t know - we seem to have lost a couple of the stickies from this section - I will stick this one.[/color]

Thanks, I edit the OP so to make it a more general thread.

Since the previous thread has gone missing, I’d like to find some people to battle against. Twitter handle is in the signature.

I am now seeking anyone wily enough to compete in a Contest of Cunning (2)… :]
~Aaaaand… back to a Contest of Cunning
edited by Corentin Os on 12/14/2012
edited by Corentin Os on 12/15/2012

No longer available for the Tournament, as my plant is at 19 which means no more opp cards, which means I don’t want to risk dropping it down and cluttering my deck again.
edited by an_ocelot on 8/21/2015

I remain available for Tournament of Lilies challenges. I can’t specify a level, because I keep getting beaten, then winning, getting beaten, then winning…right now, I’m level 4 (Contest of Mysteries).
edited by cathyr19355 on 3/12/2013

Catherine - me too. I have despaired of ever winning! Always happy to accept requests from others though.

interesting… I recently got a lilly challenge from cathyr here even though I personally didn’t have you listed as a friend I could send requests to. guess that’s a quirk of how storynexus handles our delicious friends. think I’ve corrected the favor, but will send a generic request your way just to test

I haven’t started the tournament, but would like to, if anyone is interested

Level 4
edited by Mark Gallacher on 4/17/2013

I’m currently at level 3 (Contest of Blood) and looking for an opponent. You can find me in Fallen London with the same username as here (NinjaComedian).

I am new to the tourney. Add me on storynexus as: Kevin Wagner

Likewise. You, madam, are on my list of invitees to green combat, of course!

I must confess that, despite my complaints, I do win sometimes. I have 4 Cryptobotanical Rosettes to my credit–though I’m sure many of you have many more than that.

You are on my Friends list, sir, though I don’t think you’re at the level of the Tournament that I am at present.

Is there any random element to the matches or is this just one big pyramid scheme?

I’m at level 1. Anyone who cares to should feel free to add and challenge me!
EDIT: Now level 2, and still accepting all challengers!
edited by Ember on 2/13/2013

I have no clue, to be honest…
(I suspect it’s similar to challenging a friend in chess, only you challenge in plant quality rather than Watchful. This is why I didn’t accept invites while lower watchful won chess more often than people with higher watchful, btw =P)

I have no clue, to be honest…
(I suspect it’s similar to challenging a friend in chess, only you challenge in plant quality rather than Watchful. This is why I didn’t accept invites while lower watchful won chess more often than people with higher watchful, btw =P)[/quote]
I used to assume that to be the case, but I’ve lost with 18 Attending vs. someone with 10 Attending, so there is at least a healthy dollop of luck involved.