The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

Valor is looking for this cat to continue his path of madness and endless suffering.

viratrix has acquired a Desire to Seek… if you want to get rid of a wretched beast, post it.

[quote=Jason5237]If anyone would like to donate a Starveling cat for adoption, I’d be happy to provide him/her/it a good home.

I’m User766505.

If there’s anything I can to to reciprocate the favour, please let me know![/quote]

Still looking, fine friends!

[quote=Jason5237]If anyone would like to donate a Starveling cat for adoption, I’d be happy to provide him/her/it a good home.

I’m User766505.

If there’s anything I can to to reciprocate the favour, please let me know![/quote]

I have sent you a cat for you to take if you still need one, and if you can, I would want one fight to the death. You don’t need to accept, but I want to start collecting Sanguine Ribbons now and it would be good to start now.

my adoring public gave me a bag with a starveling cat in it which strikes me as VERY UNGRATEFUL OF THEM >:C

free to a good home! well, free if you pay me in knowledge of the best-accessible-to-me way to get rid of the Unaccountably Peckish that ditching it will leave me with, since while I’m newish to the game I know I don’t want to be a Seeker :P
edited by The Mutant on 4/21/2018

[quote=The Mutant]my adoring public gave me a bag with a starveling cat in it which strikes me as VERY UNGRATEFUL OF THEM >:C

free to a good home! well, free if you pay me in knowledge of the best-accessible-to-me way to get rid of the Unaccountably Peckish that ditching it will leave me with, since while I’m newish to the game I know I don’t want to be a Seeker :P
edited by The Mutant on 4/21/2018[/quote]

If you are interested, I would like to take that brat cat off of your hands… Seems like there are cards that let you reduce UP.

Dima Lazarev would greatly appreciate a Starveling Cat. I need at least two more to have my soul thoroughly stained.

UPD: Thanks everyone, I got all the cats I needed!
edited by ropewalker on 6/29/2018


My character currently has a starveling cat available. If interested don’t hesitate to reply here or in-game.

Precious (nomen est hopefully omen), my undernourished feline, has this minute been joined, by way of a Monstrous Bundle, by another of her kind, who, she tells me, goes by the name of Screech.
That, I can believe.
In the interests of peace, sleep and my large collection of sundry small, furry animals, I am desirous of finding a home (good or I’m not fussy) for S******. (Shh…) I am convinced he/she understands human. Or can read. Or both.


I just acquired a starveling cat I would like to part with. Please contact me in-game if you’d like it.

EDIT: Already found a new home for it.
edited by Starsky on 10/29/2018

What can be so bad about a Starveling Cat? I’m sure feeding it enough would make it a darling. Nothing bad can possibly come from me requesting one and trying just that, r-right? [FL name Mountrose]

Edit : Thank you to the delicious friend who sent me one ! (though I suspect it wasn’t a completely selfless act). It seems I now inhabit my Lodgings on the sufferance of the new master of the house. What am I going to do with the pile of dead rats I bought for the d__ed thing? It’s eaten everything in the pantry but those! Now I have nothing to eat but rotting rat meat and my stomach growls alarmingly. Oh well, needs must, I guess.
edited by Mountrose on 11/5/2018

My character has Asher McMillen begun a quest of self-destruction and requires several starveling cats to achieve that end. Any help in this endeavor would be greatly appreciated.
edited by AsherMcMillen on 11/13/2018

I’d like a starveling cat. Please. Pretty please. Hungry puppy eyes please…

EDIT: I got one. Thanks to the donor and will try to repay your efforts as soon as possible.
edited by lacco36 on 11/14/2018


One cat of the starveling variety upon request. Follow the rips in the carpet on the third floor of the Royal Beth and knock thrice on the door with the claw marks and extra peephole.

Much later. Far too late:
Precious has now gone from us, causing much sighing (in relief, to be honest). Thank you to her new vict…, um, owner.
edited by Meradine Heidenreich on 12/8/2018

I have the misfortune of having found a Starveling Cat in a sack. Is there anyone who would want the damned thing? Please let me know.
Many thanks,
Cptn P

Cat is &quotgifted&quot.
edited by psuq on 11/30/2018

[quote=Capt. Psuq]I have the misfortune of having found a Starveling Cat in a sack. Is there anyone who would want the damned thing? Please let me know.
Many thanks,
Cptn P[/quote]If there is no one else in the near future who needs/wants one for Seeking, I’m willing to take the poor creature off your hands.

Many thanks, Azoth I. I will send it along when you aren’t &quotsomewhere else&quot.

The starveling cat! The starveling cat! It’s ripping my rugs and chasing my rat! The starveling cat! The starveling cat! Will anyone take this accursed beast back?

Does anyone have any Starveling Cat to give away? Thanks in advance!