The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

Can I have one? If it is not too much trouble, please send one to me. I promise to take care of the wretched cretin and to make sure that it doesn’t go to waste (though let’s be honest, it’s better off in a well).

[quote=Harjavaldar]As noted, the Seeker known as John will soon depart South, before going NORTH, a journey from which they will not return.

Thus, a dozen of the wretched creatures are available, for any that seek one of these beasts.
As tempting as it is to make them be stuck down a well, I suspect they can do more harm within London.[/quote]

Sunnytime would also appreciate a few cats.

The three of you should have received some cats.

Going South now - will distribute the remaining ones upon the presumably brief return to London, before moving…elsewhere.

[quote=Harjavaldar]The three of you should have received some cats.

Going South now - will distribute the remaining ones upon the presumably brief return to London, before moving…elsewhere.[/quote]

Thank you, I see that you have sent it to me in my message tab. It won’t let me take it yet (presumably because of your journey SOUTH), but I’ll try my best to take care of them. Good luck, I hope that the final destination is worth it.

Remaining cats have been passed to Skinnyman and Sunnytime, as they didn’t run away fast enough.

Bar one, who will come with me to the Well. It is the least it deserves.

[quote=Harjavaldar]Remaining cats have been passed to Skinnyman and Sunnytime, as they didn’t run away fast enough.

Bar one, who will come with me to the Well. It is the least it deserves.[/quote]
Soon, not so soon, delicious!
Many thanks for the lovely cats!

My main just received not so pleasant surprise in his Surprise Package…what did I do to anger Mr. Pages so, I wonder…anyway, if someone needs the beastie for nefarious purposes, let me know!

Child of Storm will gladly accept any seething/hissing/angry packages in the mail, provided they are send with appropriate warning labels.

my alt account would gladly accept a beast
I will Reply in whatever i can with my main

Edit: I got the beast and will give it to someone when I am finished using it (SMEN 27 I guess)
edited by Flynneldariel on 2/13/2018

[quote=Flynneldariel]my alt account would gladly accept a beast
I will Reply in whatever i can with my main[/quote]

A Starveling Cat has been dispatched …

And I thank you for the seventh stain on my soul ^^

To those whom it may concern,

While I do very much love all of my current acquaintances, the relentless drudgery of our conversation has proven a bit stagnating as of late. I have heard from some… reputable sources that this cat will prove a much more stimulating partner. If one wishes to provide a new home for such a fine creature, I would very much care to accept.

edited by AydenTheKinch on 2/28/2018

I have a mangy moggy which is looking for a new home to shred - if you are in need of an exciting life, please let me know !

The London Man

[quote=TheLondonMan]I have a mangy moggy which is looking for a new home to shred - if you are in need of an exciting life, please let me know !

The London Man


The cat has been dispatched !

And I thank you for it! (or will, when you’re in a place in FL where I can actually accept the moggy)

[quote=TheLondonMan][quote=TheLondonMan]I have a mangy moggy which is looking for a new home to shred - if you are in need of an exciting life, please let me know !

The London Man


The cat has been dispatched ![/quote]

If anyone would like to donate a Starveling cat for adoption, I’d be happy to provide him/her/it a good home.

I’m User766505.

If there’s anything I can to to reciprocate the favour, please let me know!

If anyone would be willing to donate one, I’m in need of a starvling cat to further my quest!


I, too, am looking for a Starveling Cat.

Username: Hazerath

Much appreciated.

[quote=AydenTheKinch]To those whom it may concern,

While I do very much love all of my current acquaintances, the relentless drudgery of our conversation has proven a bit stagnating as of late. I have heard from some… reputable sources that this cat will prove a much more stimulating partner. If one wishes to provide a new home for such a fine creature, I would very much care to accept.

edited by AydenTheKinch on 2/28/2018[/quote]

I don’t really need a cat, but…I like cats. I wouldn’t mind having another Starveling. I have plenty of real estate for it to destroy…er, I mean… roam around in.
edited by cathyr19355 on 4/4/2018
edited by cathyr19355 on 4/4/2018

[quote=Hazerath]I, too, am looking for a Starveling Cat.

Username: Hazerath

Much appreciated.[/quote]

I have one to spare, I’ll be sending it to you right now. If you receive it, please indicate it on this thread. I hope it serves you well.