The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

Anyone here can provide me with the lovely bloodthirsty beast? It would make a beautiful pair with the Unfinished Hat I just brought back from Polythreme…

EDIT: the starveling feline is now devastating my good sofa, thank you very much!
edited by Huey on 9/28/2015

I’ve recently come into possession of a mangy beast from an (un)lucky bundle, and have decided that greater companionship would be no greater terror. I shall collect them, like particularly ill-tempered Father Christmas figurines.

Feel free to send me any cats that anyone wishes to dispose of.

As unwise as it may be I would like to request a cat. You never know when you may need one…

I’ll be making a thread about lending out my Starveling Cats (115 of them) soon. So long as there’s not more than 114 persons asking for Starveling Cats, I’ll be good. Until then there’s no need to ask around here for Starveling Cats, unless you want one to keep.

edited by Cecil on 10/18/2015

How does one achieve so many cats?

Easy. From Spht. Make deals with people to get as many cat boxes as you can. Ask around if anyone wants to help with the Starveling Cafe.

I got 23 cats from Spht. 36 cats from Cat Boxes. And a lot of cats just here and there from the IRC. Once everyone knew what I was doing, it just snowballed until I reached my goal of 100 (I wanted to see if anything would unlock). Then things slowed down. Also I got a bunch of cat boxes from last Sacksmas’ access code. Like. 40 or 80. I forget. There was a lot. Speaking of. There’s like a 7.7% chance (or maybe it’s 10) of getting a Starveling Cat from a cat box. Send alllll the cat boxes my way, I’m recording for SCIENCE. (But then again, don’t forget about the people that don’t have a Starveling Cat yet!)
edited by Cecil on 10/19/2015

I have obtained an extra Starveling Cat from a surprise package and would be glad to send it to someone who DOESN’T already have one, who would like to keep one.

First person to post in this thread will get it.

[quote=an_ocelot]I have obtained an extra Starveling Cat from a surprise package and would be glad to send it to someone who DOESN’T already have one, who would like to keep one.

First person to post in this thread will get it.[/quote]

First! Also thanks.
edited by Estelle Knoht on 10/20/2015

Estelle, when you come back from wherever you are, it’s yours.

I am back! Do you want the cat back after Hallowmas?

If anyone wants a starevling cat to keep I have 7 available. Send me a forums private message if you are interested.

Edit: all 7 are now gone.
edited by NiteBrite on 10/28/2015
edited by NiteBrite on 10/29/2015

I’ve got six starveling cats looking for new homes. Shoot me a private message or a social action if you want one.

EDIT: My cats have all been adopted.
edited by Isa1187 on 10/27/2015

Will provide good loving home for your Starveling Cat. Guaranteed not a furrier.

If one needs a home for their feline friend I can provide one

I am also seeking a kitty if someone had one to spare.
edited by Mr. Meat Machine on 10/28/2015

I would appreciate the loan of a cat for Hallowmas. Once it is over I will be happy to return the horrid thing.
edited by PreludeToViolence on 10/29/2015

Meow meow meow meow meow meow bite for Asesina Ballenas please.
edited by Lashkar on 10/29/2015

I’ll give a Starveling Cat a good home, if anyone wants to part with one. :)

I’ve been prepping my home for a Starveling Cat since I got out of New Newgate Prison.
I don’t seek to abuse the cat for Hallowmas but will love it even as it shows it’s disdain for me.

I have a good home I’d like to give to a nice starveling cat. Well, by certain definitions of “good” and “nice.”