The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

Should any of my colleagues, let’s say, find themselves overburdened with the strain of caring for this deathly sweet feline horror, please don’t hesitate to send any my way. To be quite frank, there are certain… undertakings in my line of work that would be enhanced by the presence of a feline companion greatly. And, to be quite frank, I would appreciate the challenge.

I’m looking for a cute (horrible)cat for the season, just to make things go abit faster.

If somebody wants to get rid of this wretched cat, I would be happy to take one.

My alt would be glad to take one. She’s the second profile in my signature block:

I have no idea what I’d do with it besides pet it, but I’ll take one if someone does not want theirs. I’m sure my Haunted-Looking Dog, Charles Barkley, would be happy to have a friend.[li]
edited by th8827 on 11/3/2015

My hovel has too many pests, would gratefully appreciate a beast of the feline kind to sort the place out. I’ll make sure it’s quite cozy here.
edited by Markovich on 11/4/2015

I would like the loan or gift of a Starveling Cat, as mad as the idea may be. If I may keep the beast, I would happily reciprocate with a set of First City coins.

While I have been loaned a starveling cat for Hallowmas, the time draws close where I shall have to give it back. As I have grown accustomed to the presence of the beastie and its loving fangs sunk deep into my hand when feeding it, I would be overjoyed if someone with a spare starveling cat would be willing to give it to me to keep! A very happy Hallowmas and thank you in advance, delicious Fallen Londoners!

Edit: … And the kindly Mr Zeno has just presented me with a wonderful, furry fiend - thank you!
edited by Arandia on 11/7/2015
edited by Arandia on 11/8/2015

[color=#cc0000]MISSING: MISSY THE CAT[/color]

Description: Black female cat with white markings and amber eyes. Distrustful of strangers at first, but very affectionate and loving once she gets to know you. Responds to name &quotMissy&quot and beef liver.
Last seen:: 14 November 1893, Ladybones Road. The poor thing got terrified of a rattus faber and fled lodgings.

Please, if by any chance you see this charming feline, contact
Missy is a family sweetheart and she is greatly missed.

A cat!
A cat!
A rat?
A mat?
A bat?
A hat?
A pat?
Who will trade a box?
Or shall it be eaten by a fox?

Edit: I have a cat now. Thank you!

Kitty: Starveling.
Kitty: Starveling.
If Fei Xue had,
Would spend days marvelling.
edited by Sestina Valdis on 11/25/2015

[li]May I get one starveling cat perchance? My profile is:

In the market for a Starveling Cat, thanks in advance

I can be found here:

I’d love a Starveling Cat too, if anyone would like to send me one?

Edited to add: Got one, thanks Catherine Raymond!
edited by navchaa on 11/26/2015


I hath a box
It contains a rustle
An ancient quiet
Movement subtle.
A cat? A bat?
I cannot say.
But a box i would trade
For another this day.

I would like to recieve boxed cats but unfortunately I cannot reciprocate because my boxed cats are promised to someone. I can help with menace reductions and tending the wounds of anyone sending me a box if they have high enough wounds.

My alt is about to do so. Enjoy!

Thank you so much!!

My alt is about to do so. Enjoy![/quote]

I still want one. A lot.

More recent posts have been getting it, so I’m putting my name out here again.