The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

I can always take some Starvelings for the future, if there’s noone else =)

Cats and boxes are welcome. I’ll pet them and feed them and hug them. Well, just the cats. Not the boxes.

I will take your Starveling Cats. I am amassing a collection, one that would /love/ your help if you are both willing to offer. I would be happy to accept any other social actions you would like to send my way as well. Save for the photographer.

I’m plum out of Starveling Cats and don’t have any menaces to confess. Embarrassing. Would someone spare a cat to help celebrate Hallowmas?

A gift of dubious Magnanimity has arrived at your lodgings. Cheers!

I will be glad to accept your starveling cat if you are finished with its various storylines or just can’t afford to feed its prodigious appetites.
I can also accept or re-direct the box in the pass-the-cat opportunity.

Sweet friends - could I please obtain a Starveling Cat? Or a mysterious box. I’m having serious issues (for once) keeping my Wounds up and a savage beast would be very helpful.

If anyone has a spare Starveling Cat, and the others above have received their lovely (ahem) darlings, I would love one as well. :>

(edit: On Eris Jay.)
edited by thedeadlymoose on 11/2/2014

I too find myself in need of a Starveling Cat. I have never had one in the million years (approximately) I have caroused around the Neath.

It will be well-fed, of that you may be assured, and the Corresponding Ocelot would be delighted with some feline companionship.

Thank you all so much for your feline gifts. I have enough, for the moment, thank you.
edited by motormage on 11/3/2014

A Starveling Cat.
A Starveling Cat?
I’ve yet to see one!
How about that?

The Starveling Cat:
I’m searching for that.
If you have an extra
I can deal with its scratch.

If you’re looking to part with
Your Starveling Cat,
Please pass it to me
When you stop for a chat!

Edit: Thanks Gariak!
edited by Matthias Scathelocke on 11/11/2014

It’s a cat in a box, not a rat in a box. And it’s looking for a good home. Any takers?

If you’ve still got it, Cecil 2 would be more than willing to take if off your hands.

If you’ve still got it, Cecil 2 would be more than willing to take if off your hands.[/quote]

Hi, i’ve just sent it.

edited by eleri5 on 11/23/2014

I currently possess 5 of these foul beasts - and since I believe 1 is more than enough, I can share the other 4.

Edit - all are gone (hopefully to better places).
edited by Szadovar on 11/30/2014

If you ever have spare starvelings, I’d be more than happy to take them in. I’m basically a foster home for starveling cats. Many pass through my home, but they don’t stay with me forever. Either at Hallowmas or when seeking comes back, there’s always a need for starveling. And people know where to find me :)

I will happily take one of these fine felines off anyone’s hands. Somebody to keep my Parabolan Kitten company while I wander about town…and hopefully not eat her…

I am a cat aficionado with a distinct lack of cats, so if anyone has felines looking for a good home send them my way, I will be quite grateful.

Is there anyone interested in freeing himself or herself from a struggling box? I’d like to open it…

I also need the Starveling Cat now, so someone do please send me one~
