The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

Sent a furry ball of hate to Alanded and Mdnthrvst. We’ll see if they’re foolish enough to accept them.

Thank you, Random, received with a glad heart. I like cats of any stripe, temper or disposition…

Hello!! I, also, am hanging around on the outskirts of this thread in the hopes of receiving a lovely skinny pusscat

I too, would enjoy the opportunity to open my home, or at least my closet, to such a creature. If anyone has one they are willing to part with.

[li]I’m looking for someone to pass the cat with.

I have no cat, and would like one. Whats the benefits?

I don’t believe that there are any benefits to having the company of a starvling cat, unless you want a slow but reliable way to die or be driven insane.

(Cat is not a pet, but can be talked to, which will result in you getting 1 CP of wounds and nightmares; I believe the primary use for the cat lies in the search for the name, which is not currently active).

If you chose not to interact with it, I think it will just sit in your inventory, glaring at you.

I’ll send a boxed cat to whoever sends me one. I happen to have one on my person at the moment.

Greetings Gentlefolk (and others, as the case may be). I’m also looking for cats, starveling and parabolic and all other types as well. Aaron, I sent a box to you.
edited by Caninicus on 8/23/2014

Received and responded in kind. Pleasure doing business with you ;)

Someone left this blasted thing on my doorstep. I managed to trap it in the closet, where it is absolutely shredding my good sables, and making the most dreadful yowling sounds. I must get this thrice damned cat out of my apartments, but I would much rather it go to someone who wants it, rather than some unsuspecting dupe. I can’t imagine who would want one of these creatures, unless they are seeking information best left unsought, but it is yours for the taking if you but ask.

I’d gladly take it. Also, I have acquired another possible cat in a box for anyone who wants one.

Caninicus, if you still have a cat in a box, I would love to receive it. Either character.

Box Sent. I’ll update here if/when I get another.

[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]I would like to adopt a cat. Should someone have one to spare I would gladly accept one.[/color]

Ziebell I don’t know if you still want a cat but I just sent you one.

Thank you Mr Coulter

Hello! I would love to receive a boxed cat, starveling or otherwise! Please send to Vhosa Doulington. I look forward to Passing the Cat![li]

If anyone has a spare Starveling Cat, I’ll take the beast off your hands.

Hey if anyone wants to pass on a Starveling Cat or just a normal cat I’d be grateful.

(UPDATE): I now have an extra Starveling Cat in my possession(thanks to some kind players). If anyone would like it just PM me and we’ll get talking.
edited by Beadboy on 10/5/2014

(UPDATE): I no longer have an extra beast.
edited by BeadBoy on 10/7/2014