The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

Quick query. If I use the Fate option on the
The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
Wore your soul like a jaunty hat!

opportunity card, will this give me another cat? I have 6 Fate spare and am getting my soul back for the 6th time, so if this gives me a cat, I’ll play it and no longer need a cat. If it doesn’t, I can wait until I get one from the box.[li]
edited by Zeek on 11/28/2013

It may give you a cat, I’m not sure. It seems a needless expenditure of fate, though, when I can just send you one like this.

Thank you Alexander, I now have all the cats I need. I’ll still accept cats in a box however and if I get one, I’ll give it to someone that needs it.

I’m after Starveling Cats myself, and will happily send boxed cats to others.

My dear Galatea has foolishly started collecting cats. As a hobby, you understand, not for anything sordid. If anyone has a cat or two to spare, please do forward them to Galatea LaChance. She’ll be happy to repay the favour at some point in the future.

I happen to have an extra one of these beasts from my more sordid pursuits, if somebody so desires it.[li]
edited by Laluzi on 12/2/2013

I could use it, if you still have it. Just need the one.

(help me win, you know it is your destiny to be the loser)
edited by Alonois on 12/2/2013

[quote=Alonois]I could use it, if you still have it. Just need the one.

(help me win, you know it is your destiny to be the loser)
edited by Alonois on 12/2/2013[/quote]

[li]I already beat you. Number of Candles, baby!

But yes, cat. You may have my leftovers.

Zharend, please give us your Fallen London character name, because &quotZharend&quot isn’t it.

Miguelmariaduran, tell us your Fallen London character name, because &quotMiguelmariaduran&quot isn’t it.

Zharend, please give us your Fallen London character name, because &quotZharend&quot isn’t it.[/quote]
Odd, my sig got wiped for some reason. I’ll edit my profile link into the post. Boy, can I ever pay attention.
edited by Zharend on 12/4/2013

Okay, Zharend, I’ve put you on my rotating list. Thanks.

I also find myself in need of some cats.

I am also in the market for cats. I am happy to return the favor. Any other invitations are also welcome.

I also need some cats. Mine run away. Took my soul, too.

I should probably also try get some cats now I’m again smen =)

I shall have a cat to send shortly. An associate of mine attracts them like rats.

I’m still on the lookout for a new Starveling Cat! My wife coveted mine, so I felt compelled to send it to her. If anyone has any boxes to spare, by all means send them my way and I’ll return the favor!
edited by Maelwys on 12/12/2013

I, myself, am looking for a certain… peculiar feline. For… certain… reasons.

Will the Staveling Cat spawn any more? Haven’t the boxes been changed to have either a sorrow spider or a matriarch? Honest question.