The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

I would love a starveling,if anyone has a cat in need of a home,please do send it my way.

I can be found at: @vanshi_rulz.

Currently accepting all social actions

I, too, have a soul-related interest in obtaining such creatures. If anyone would like to send me the sort of package which might contain one, I would be sure to return the favor.[li]

I care for the unwanted, feel free to unrestrain any feline to me

My beloved cat just ran away, and I’m interested in adopting a new one. So, if anyone has a box to spare, feel free to direct them towards me.

I’ll take a cat if someone wants to give one away.

I am still waiting anxiously for my poor missing starveling cat. I’ll be eternally grateful to any kind citizen who could return it. Or possibly citizens, I forget exactly how many cats I’ve lost.

I recently got past the parts that require these creatures, and do not have a want for any more.

I forgot to let people know earlier, but I’m all done with this beast of burden. I have two that I can send someone’s way if they need it for unspeakable rituals.

I seek cats, if anyone wishes to be rid of them[li]

I too am seeking a starveling cat, if there is one left in London after the lout above me have gotten theirs.

Hey, be nice. There are… not plenty to go around, but enough. No reason to begrudge somebody else for wanting one for the same purposes you do.

I suspect that ‘lout’ was simply a typo for ‘lot’ - unfortunate, to be sure, but indicative of turn-taking rather than incivility :-)

I do seek a Starveling Cat or two if that is at all possible, and it would be very much appreciated. I have 1 cat and I have just received my 2nd stain, so from what I have heard I believe I require too more. If you wish for me to do anything in return (such as sending 20 or so social actions) in return for a cat, please inform me and I will be more than happy to perform such a service. Thank you all, and I will edit this when I have enough cats to not require any more, so as not to inconvenience another damaged soul.

I too am seeking a cat, and will send boxes your way if you so wish.

Seeker of Names (Seeker of Names in Fallen London) is also in search of a Cat.

Greetings, delicious friends. I am also in search of cats. A good number of them too, for I am on a dangerous endeavor. I’ll be content with receiving boxes in the Pass the Cat game, and I’m willing to send boxes back in return.[li]

I too, am in a quest for the cat and will be pleased to reciprocate when I have the opportunity[li]

Consider me, sumptuous acquaintances, also in search of the Starveling, Marveling Cat. Happy to return boxes in kind if so requested.

I have had luck once in getting a Starveling Cat, but my wife wanted it, and, being my wife, I could not deny her. So off it went to a better, decidedly more feminine home. So please feel free to add me to your contacts, send me boxes and requests of any kind, and I will gladly return the favor!

I find myself in need of more cats, as my last one departed my abode rather abruptly. …At least I believe so, that night is rather hazy in my memory. Anyway, no matter, but I would love to have others to pass boxes to, when they arrive on my doorstep.
edited by Caoimhe Laird on 11/26/2013