The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

I am also seeking one of those feline wonders.
I am also sitting on a box that may contain one, but I can never be sure. Did insularis already got enough cats? Or somebody else interested?

&quotyou were fortunate&quot :( No box in that cat …

ETA: I have now received a non-zero quantity of actual cat, and very thankful for that. It will probably eventually run away, but that’s months away still.
edited by xKiv on 9/18/2013

Thanks for all the cats! But I’ve had enough. My soul is now properly stained, so I don’t need these beasts anymore.

I am missing just one last stain. Any cats would be appreciated.

Ambrose66 would love to have a feline companion. The darker, the better.
Still no luck.
edited by Ambrose66 on 9/27/2013

Having begun a most Unwise search for a particular Name, it seems I now require a feline companion of unpleasant disposition. Should you have any to spare, they shall be given a good-- ahem. An appropriate welcome.

ETA: I have received the final stain on my soul and hope never to see one of these accursed felines again. I should beg for mercy, but know it is too late. If one happens to find its way to my residence, I shall send it on to the next d–ned soul.
edited by Cortexikid on 10/18/2013

My soul is properly stained. Thank you to all the kind citizens who sent gifts my way

I find myself in search of a cat, should someone have one they wish to be free of. It cannot be the most pleasant of companions. Alternatively, I would happily play a few rounds of Pass the Cat, that we might see what comes of it.
edited by Mithross on 10/1/2013

A question. How does one stain one’s soul? I am now in posession of three cats, yet no card related to the Name has come up except for the “Do you know the number of candles?” card.

It’s RNG based, you’ll draw it eventually.

My Starvling Cat has absconded with my soul. If anyone sees the vile feline, I would very much appreciate getting it back.

Two lovely kittens looking for a new and responsible owner…

I would love to take care of such a beautiful animal, SeriesFive:)

Edit: Thanks SeriesFive! I think…[li]
edited by mblamar on 10/18/2013

Have fun ;)

I require one more beast for my soul to be properly stained.

I, too, would appreciate being informed about the whereabouts of one (or possibly two) cat(s), starveling. Last seen in the company of a spirifer with a rope cravat. [li]

It has come to my attention that I may be in need of a cat to acquire further ground in my…search. I would be most appreciative if one were to lend me a feline of such kind on a somewhat indefinite basis~
edited by Triblademaster on 10/24/2013

I have a Starveling Cat, and I do not want it - does anyone else here desire this horrid creature?

Yes, me, I would love to take care of her.