The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

[quote=Maurna Frost]Just to make things a little more clear… I went through and have noted all still seeking the dear Starveling Cats. If you no longer need one, still need them and I didn’t list you, or wish to be added - drop a note here or to my twitter. (Or I have your information wrong)

Delicious friends still seeking fluffy friends, in no particular order (twitter, Facebook)
Maurna Frost (@Maurna_Frost, MaurnaFrost)
MeadAnneSciencera (@MeadAndScience)
tofudragon7 (@dinodude98)
M.Factamore (@Factamore)
Devoted_pupa (@devoted_pupa)
EchoLalia (@moxie_rocks)
sistermelanie (@sistermelanie)
aerineth (@aerineth)
Rune Hofseth (@BodhiBloodWave)
smokygeorge (@smokygeorge)
lemurcatta (@lemurcatta)
T.W.O. Chandler (@ThomasChandler1, Thomas Chandler)
followmyvoice (@followmyvoice)
elvor (@elvortel)
TheThirdPolice (@TheThirdPolice)

Tyler Jones and Alissa Clough are also seeking but have not provided contact information.
edited by MaurnaFrost on 12/26/2011
edited by MaurnaFrost on 12/27/2011
edited by MaurnaFrost on 12/27/2011[/quote]

You forgot me! :o I’m @littlethe.

[quote=TheThirdPolice]@TheThirdPolice seeks feline descent into insanity; will provide cravats and medium quality meat for starveling’s entertainment. Names? Names? Why did elvor mention names? I don’t know anything about names the names names. (names.)

(I’ve added you on Twitter, Chandler, in the hopes of sending you a box to trade)
edited by TheThirdPolice on 12/27/2011[/quote]

Duly noted. Expect reciprocation as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

I wish I knew who finds it fun to put sorrow spiders in boxes, its not very nice toward them after all since they dislike enclosed places

Damned be that foul creature for running off with my soul!

Now I once again need to obtain a cat, and I suspect I will actually need a few more. So I would appreciate it if someone would send cats, boxes or whatever my way. I will of course return the favor in any way I’m capable!

Count me among those who would love to receive one of these dear little things! There’s plenty of room in my townhouse for one-I can be reached at @FallenOmega, should someone need to re-home one of theirs. I’m also open to sending and receiving parcels, should anyone need that. :)

I too would love a cat, as mine went away on one of the final stages of searching for the name. Which shows more self preservation than myself, I imagine. Willing to send/receive boxes with people too, and pass on the cat once I’ve finished the storyline if I’ve still got it/managed to duplicate it.

I found a cat thanks to Chandler… and apparently I’ll need several more! How aggravating.

I too would be delighted to give the darling beast a home, or exchange boxes. I fear I will be in dire need of cats soon.
edited by yaseanne on 1/2/2012

I’m also in the market for the marvelous cat… how could I not be, when we share a common trait: we are both rather starveling, if I am not mistaken, all the time.

My predicament, however, is that I do not own a twitter. Might ‘The Book of Faces’ do for this exchange, or any other? (Exchanges, I mean. I do love accomplices.)

Oh excellent, glad to hear that you managed to lay hands on one.

I’ve had my first for a while now, but have since been experiencing terrible luck with acquiring spares. A certain unwise endevour, I mean endeavour, apparently requires them.

I must say that my own humble abode lacks the soothing and gentle sounds of feline hissing and spitting. Like many other citizens of our fair city, I, too, seek feline companionship.

I’ve been known to use the rather prosaic alias of @IanDavidOsmond

I’m desperately searching for a starveling cat myself - I’ve had two of the little beasts, but they both absconded with my soul. I believe I need just one more to get it back. I’ve just followed some of my fellow cat-seekers on Twitter and will be happy to send out parcels as I get them… please feel free to do the same for me! (@dracjr on Twitter)

I will also be delighted to give and receive packages galore. I am twittering at: @michael_omer

I too am seeking a starveling cat, for the same nameless purposes as many others on this thread. Apparently I haven’t been able to persuade myself NOT to follow the call of curiousity… and of a certain Name. Will give and receive packages of possible cats accordingly.

Ditto to most of the above, I find myself deplorably cat-less.


I also am looking for a spirited feline companion.

me! Me! I need cats! Please, please please…

@Lurkazoid on Twitter, Playing as Lurkazoid. Happy to pass back boxes that people want to send over for final unwrapping as well

I’m looking for cats too - all cats and boxes gratefully received, and I’m happy to reciprocate by sending boxes anyone else’s way. @the_antichris on Twitter.

Out of curiosity, does anyone know why the icon for the dear cats says “persuasive -3” when they’re not in the same class of pets?

A curious Lady

I do wonder why they’re not equippable pets - maybe because the little darlings won’t let you pick them up and take them anywhere? I figure the persuasive hit is from all the unsightly scratches and bite marks.