The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

Indeed, I’m just not noticing an actual deduction of my wiles based on signs of injury. grin

A Lady gaining skill with bandages

Huh, that’s odd. I was sure I had a -3 deduction last time I looked, but I don’t seem to right now. Not that I’m complaining!

I seem to have a spare Boxed Cat to send. Is there anyone who’s sent me one and not gotten one back yet?

While we have sent and received I am still in need of boxes as it seems I am a magnet for spiders not cats.

Aye nods sadly whispered secrets for me.

A Lady with not enough cats

I will soon have gained my soul back from the devils and will need one of these beasts. Anyone who would lend/give me one would be appreciated.

I still find myself in the need of another 2 of these darned beasts. Feel free to send boxes and cats my way, and I will return the favor whenever the opportunity rises.

Edit: Fate seems to be on my side, so please please please, no more starveling beasts for me. Happy passing.
edited by NotThisBrain on 1/22/2012

Please add me. I do need a starveling cat or two. @snakebite262

I have updated the list. I do promise to forward cats on and frequently pick-up my post so as not to have any packages lingering. My luck has been rather abysmal as of late, I’m beginning to wonder if I should change into my persuasive gowns and gather a lucky weasel or two before I start to open them…

Note: I am currently exchanging with several deliciously lovely others and am doing my best to keep track but it can take a bit for me to return a package as I have no control over the delivery of double-wrapped parcels.

(Side note: I am also quite willing to participate in any of the other activities that need a friend. I had my first, ahem, visit to the Museum the other day, quite fantastic! And do enjoy dinners and any other form of mischief!)

A Lady watching for the post
edited by MaurnaFrost on 1/27/2012

I am in need of a Starveling myself, and may also be in possession of a strangely feline shaped box myself, should any be interested?

I have a potentially feline-filled box to send out!

And if anyone wants to send a starveling darling or a questionable box, I would be more than happy to accept. ;)

The Starveling cat! The Staveling Cat! I could use its assistance! Hope it won’t harm my hat!

If any person should be so unfortunate as to have one occupying their home, I would be more than pleased to take it off their hands. Additionally, those wishing to engage in the game of Pass-the-Cat would find me a willing fellow participant.
Let it be known to those who would respond that, for complicated reasons, I am known to the postal service as @meliral.

@omega: I think I may have shipped you a couple of oddly feline boxes (persuming the post does not confound, so many have inconvenient to locate addresses), mayhap you will be fortunate (or unfortunate if so you perceive it) to end up with a starveling of your very own.

I also realized that my own address may not be evident to all who read my previous entreaty, the post will find me at the not too difficult to guess @Schadrach.

@Schadrack: Indeed you did, and I was in face, very fortunate. If you like, I believe I have a box or two I can send you. :D

Having been intrigued for years by the sidebar rhymes, I burn with the desire to acquire one of these ravenous beasts for my very own. I shall pet it and hug it and call it George. Anyone have a spare kitten, or care to take part in a rousing game of Pass-the-Cat?


i hesitate to trust this thread since it seems that everyone is looking for Starveling Cats and very few people appear to have them. Regardless, I’ve been passing the few boxes I get back and forth for something like 4 months now and I’m getting sick of a zero percent success rate. If anyone has a cat or boxes, I’d super appreciate it if you’d send them my way to @reedybeanz. Thanks.

Dear Friends,

As I sit here by the fireplace, admiring the verdant leaves of my singular plant and chatting idly with my Alluring Accomplice of my days at Mahogany Row, I cannot but feel a pang of emptiness at the vacant spot by the fire which might be home to a feline friend. Many boxes I have opened in hope and many disappointments I have faced. My friends have tired of spider bites and refuse to open any of my mail. Would one of you kind feline fanciers care to help me? My address is @malcolmryan

I had been planting boxes around the city to combat Scandal, but after a stint in the Tomb-Colonies I have some time to send boxes around. I can be found at @gfilpus.

Having finally obtained a feline friend thanks to Schadrach (and Lady Luck, of course), I will be sure to send any cat-shaped packages I happen across to my fellow Londoners. Do let me know if you need one, and I’ll send one out as soon as I get the box! I can be found at @FallenOmega.

Congratulations! I unfortunately have had no such luck with a feline companion of my own, though I do now need a new target for my rather sadistic habit of shipping spiders in cat shaped boxes.