The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

Depends on whether it was really 100!

Checking the probability spreadsheet… Out of 120 boxes unwrapped, 35 were cats. Of those cats, 6 were voracious b-stards. The rest were sorrow-spiders which merrily bit parts of people’s heads off.

That’s a 34.17% chance of uncovering a type of cat. 14.63% of those cats will be Starveling for your attention – or just the contents of your pantry.

It would be horrible if you truly went through 100 boxes without finding a single Starveling Cat.

34.17%* 14.63% ~5%

[quote=Tesuji]The chances of getting a starveling cat are somewhere in the neighborhood of 5% per box, and with chances that low, you’re going to see a lot of variability. While searching for my own cats, I literally went 100+ boxes without seeing a starveling cat, followed by obtaining 2 in the same day. (The RNG giveth and the RNG taketh away.)[/quote](posted earlier this February)

There you have it, Arturo. Perk up! Eventually, the RNG will bow down and give you a Starveling Cat.

That’s nice to know! I just need The Random to show me some love, but at least it’s not as hopeless as it was seeming!

Thanks for the info!

I would like to have a Starveling Cat, please!

Edited: A cat has arrived. new post below.


edited by a.rathkeltair on 8/15/2013

If anyone is still looking for spare starveling cats I have a few. Just shoot me a message so I know you are currently looking for one.

EDIT: All 6 cats have been sent out, there are no more to send.
edited by NiteBrite on 8/14/2013

I seek cats and boxes and the Name, and would return the favor to those who need them.

A cat has arrived; I tip my hat to ZeeDee. The thing glares at me malevolently from the mantel. I hope to earn its affections, but have resorted to tossing rats on a string in its general direction, as any time I try to befriend it, I find myself needing more Tincture of Vigour. I have also received several additional boxes; is there any benefit to having more than one of these – ahem – delightful animals? If not, I’d be happy to send on the remaining boxes to those desiring an abrasive surprise.


You’ll need 4 for Seeking the Name (unless you spend Fate), but if you’re not interested in that sort of thing one is plenty.

I am indeed most interested in the Name. Though it will likely be awhile before I am familiar enough with the vagaries of the Neath to seek it. Thank you.

Gah! Need… just… one… more cat…
Would be happy to send my next gift of rats/etc. to anyone who can help…

I am desperate as well, I have been to jail and dead 7 times, and yet to have a single stain…any help would be appreciated

I only need one more cat to finally get the d----d seventh stain on my soul. I’ll be really, really very grateful for every single box sent my way.

Bubbadoo, I would be happy to add you to my list of people to send cat boxes to, but I need your username (either StoryNexus or Fallen London).

I would also be thankful for any cats people might have to spare (same username).
edited by mayexist on 9/18/2013

I too seek a cat of my own. I seem to have staked my chips rather badly, having purchased a boat and zailed the zee only to find myself with a starveling hat.

Edit: Thanks to all who have contributed. It’s sitting on my parlour now. It’s looking at me. Whether or not this was advisable, It is done[li]
edited by Dorian Nijdam on 9/7/2013

Oh, thank you SO very much to the kind stranger who sent me an actual cat! The opportunity to finally soil my soul completely is truly wonderful.
I was unfortunately a bit too quick to accept and now I cannot remember your name. Typical of me, really. And apparently the names of cat-givers do not get recorded in an inbox, unlike the names of box-senders. So, please do let me know if I can do something for you in return.
Also, my thanks to everyone who has sent me boxes. From now on, I shall also be sending any boxes that come my way to others willing to house a vicious starveiling beast.

[quote=Mikarissa]Oh, thank you SO very much to the kind stranger who sent me an actual cat! The opportunity to finally soil my soul completely is truly wonderful.
I was unfortunately a bit too quick to accept and now I cannot remember your name. Typical of me, really. And apparently the names of cat-givers do not get recorded in an inbox, unlike the names of box-senders. So, please do let me know if I can do something for you in return.
Also, my thanks to everyone who has sent me boxes. From now on, I shall also be sending any boxes that come my way to others willing to house a vicious starveiling beast.[/quote]

Hehe, that was my alt, and you’re welcome. You got pretty lucky, really! I happened to open one of those Bundles of Oddities and one popped right out into my face.

If anyone would be willing to entrust me with one of these …creatures, I would be most thankful. My name in London is the same as mine here.