The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

If I recall correctly, I need 4 cats to sufficiently stain my soul.
So I’ll stay on the list if I may as that was my first Starveling cat.

I am still seeking more adorable (?) felines to give a home to.

I am currently seeking cats, if Londoners would wish to give them a home

I’d like to add myself to this list. I’m in the business of soul-staining, and I have a few more felines to go.

I’ve got three, so I apparently need another.

Like many others, I, too require, the assistance of a certain feline to pursue a very foolish quest.

Your profile link isn’t complete, Whiskers of Hell. Are you perhaps the player “Whiskers” or someone else?

The d----ed link was incomplete, it should be working now.

I’m in an urgent need of as many cats as possible… no matter the reason. Something foolish, I assure you.

edited by Voodoo Master on 7/10/2013

I’m good, so please stop sending me more cats. Thank you very much.

Dear god, the cats.

Ha. I’ve received many boxes from dear delicious friends, but have yet to receive a cat. Please feel free to send me any mysterious boxes you might have lying around. Would really appreciate it! x

I have been box trading for a while but haven’t been lucky (unlucky?) enough to get any cats yet, I would appreciate any assistance. I just got my soul back.

I stained my soul once, but the d—ed cat vanished! I would appreciate more boxes, I trade back.

I would love to give be able to give one (four) of these felines a home. And my soul.

I’m not entirely sure how sending works, so do try Curses first (My FL name). If not, Johnathan_Blackwood (My Story Nexus thingy) also works. Cheers to scratches and stains.

Still looking for cats myself. I’m sending to the most recent people on this list, and anyone who sends me a cat unless they specify otherwise in their delivery.

I have been trying for what seems like ages now and can’t seem to get any Starveling Cats! I have the wounds and the chains… but no stains on my soul yet. If anyone can help, I’ll return the favor.


I, too, would be much obliged for any cats that may be surplus:

Any spare starveling cats would be very helpful indeed - please send to kharzan.

Many thanks,

Still seeking, as my flesh and mind are scarred, but the soul is yet to be stained.

How hard is it to get the Starveling Cat from receiving a box? I feel like I’ve tried a hundred times and no starveling cat! Or am I just unlucky with the RNG?