The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

Starveling Cat, Starveling Cat, can I have one, I’d appreciate that?[li]

Would that I could, but your forum handle seems to be different than your StoryNexus ID or Fallen London Name.

Would that I could, but your forum handle seems to be different than your StoryNexus ID or Fallen London Name.[/quote]

Professor G Detective, sorry, i recently restarted, added the G to keep it freash.

Yeah, I’m waiting on the cat right now, so if anyone can send me more boxes I’d really appreciate it. I’ll send them back as fast as I draw them.

I’ll be glad to receive boxes and also will send it in return.

Because it knows what we think and we don’t like that, heh.

I’d also like (although ‘like’ may not be a good word here) a cat. Even if it means getting killed by boxed sorrow-spiders. I’ll gladly send some boxes as soon as I get them.

I would very much like to have a cat of my very own. I’d be ever so kind to it!
I would, naturally, send back any boxes I got, as well :)[li]
[/li][li]I have acquired the Cat! Many thanks to all who helped me in this completely sane endeavor!

My Fallen London name is Peter Buch Mortensen.
edited by Peter Buch Mortensen on 6/16/2013[/li][li]
edited by Peter Buch Mortensen on 6/26/2013

I seem to be lacking sufficient cats these days.

I too would like the chance to take ownership of a cat. Twitter handle is @coldoutthere, here’s the link to my profile.

[quote=darkbloom]I too would like the chance to take ownership of a cat. Twitter handle is @coldoutthere, here’s the link to my profile.[/quote]

I have received a box, but alas it does not contain a cat. :( Thank you to dov for sending one on, if there are any more mysterious boxes to send on, please feel free (and please specify if you would like me to return the favour! :)).

Delicious ones, I’d be quite grateful if you could send me some parcels. I do love surprises, it feels like it’s my birthday again. And again. And again.

Ah, friends, I have lodgings, a spouse, a home comfort — but no cat. I will be happy to send boxes to those who send them to me.

I have four positively insane cats, but I can’t think of sufficient method for trading. They were very hard to come by, after all…

I am definitely after Starveling cats in my foolish pursuit of the name as well. Add me ta such a list, also happy ta trade boxes if that’s how this works.

Sorry, that guest post was me. Oops

How far are you in SMEN? You’ll need 4 cats to get 7 Stains unless you pay some Fate.

Oh. Okay. I don’t have THAT many. SO I need to keep them. Nevermind then.

Yeah, I figured I’d make sure you knew so you wouldn’t be in a potentially frustrating situation later. You’ll get to keep the 4th cat, at least. :)

Quick thanks ta Zeedee for bestowing upon me a Starveling cat.
Less thanks fer recommendin’I kiss the box fer luck, as my face did not appreciate this.

It worked, didn’t it? You can’t argue with the results! grin

By the way, do you still need more felines of a ravenous nature? If not, I’ll remove you from my “gift” list. This goes for everyone else, as well; please tell me when you no longer require any Cats so I don’t end up sending you excess boxes.