The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

Whoever shipped me that voracious cat with the advisory message “Dipping it in lacre might lead to interesting results.”, I’d like to curse–er, thank you… Yes, that’s it… Definitely no letter bombs for you in the near future! wink (Seriously, fess up, who are you? The postal system is currently buggy and doesn’t allow me to see the names of senders.)

I’d also like to “thank” Aximillio for “gifting” my soon-to-be-Seeking alt with his spare Starveling Cat. They shall have jolly escapades galore, I’m sure.

A final but not lesser thanks to everyone who sent me lovely spiders! The poor dears settled themselves into my scalp when I uncovered them. No matter, I have given them all therapeutic new homes in my many spider conservatories. After they’ve fully recuperated, I shall send them back into the wider world to one of you fine fellows. :)
edited by Zeedee on 4/3/2013

Robert Maughan, please list your name that’s in the orange bar at the top of Fallen London/Story Nexus, which is what people need to add you?

(Can some mod please sticky HOW TO ASK PEOPLE TO SEND YOU THINGS or something, because seriously, the constant “no, that’s not your name!” is really tedious.)

an ADD FRIEND button on profile pages would also simplify things by a factor of approx. three billion too

@An Ocelot, shall I make one?

Edit: Check out my sig.
edited by Aximillio on 4/3/2013

If you can, that would be amazing. Seriously.

[quote=an_ocelot]Robert Maughan, please list your name that’s in the orange bar at the top of Fallen London/Story Nexus, which is what people need to add you?

(Can some mod please sticky HOW TO ASK PEOPLE TO SEND YOU THINGS or something, because seriously, the constant “no, that’s not your name!” is really tedious.)[/quote]

bob swift is my character name. Given three kind souls have sent me boxes since I posted it can’t have been that difficult to figure out.

[quote=Robert Maughan]
bob swift is my character name. Given three kind souls have sent me boxes since I posted it can’t have been that difficult to figure out.[/quote]

You put it in an earlier post somewhere, that’s how I knew. Do you need more? That card seems to keep popping up for me, someone ought to get some use out of it!

ETA: Whoops. Just now I appear to be dead. But post-resurrection, I would be happy to send more packages.
edited by Axilar on 4/4/2013

If anyone could spare a Starveling Cat, or just wants to pass boxes back and forth, I’d be quite obliged. Profile is in my sig, Storynexus username is Ben Lee.

I’m having trouble adding you, beleester. Your StoryNexus name seems to be one of those that causes friendslists to vanish.

Indeed, I already had you on my list under that name!

I’m having trouble adding you, beleester. Your StoryNexus name seems to be one of those that causes friendslists to vanish.[/quote]

The FAQ said changing my username might help. I changed it to beleester, try adding me again.

The FAQ said changing my username might help. I changed it to beleester, try adding me again.[/quote]

Works now =)

I now have many, many boxed cats. If anyone wants some, let me know, and I’ll try to figure out how to send them your way!

I would very grateful for any packages you could send my way.

Thanks to all the kind, generous souls who have sent me boxes in the past couple of days! Does F.F. Gebrandt sell a product which will remove spider innards?

ETA: My SN is Axilar
edited by Axilar on 4/6/2013

Greetings, delicious friends. Would well and truly appreciate if someone could help me collect those seven cats needed for a certain dangerous venture. Am known as Mikarissa in the Fifth City and its whereabouts. Promise to send any boxes that I encounter to others simirly catless.

Unfortunately the bug where some usernames cause adding friends to freeze up seems to be affecting you–some people have had good results from changing their Story Nexus name (and then possibly changing it back, I’m not sure?). See the link in my .sig for details.

Unfortunately the bug where some usernames cause adding friends to freeze up seems to be affecting you–some people have had good results from changing their Story Nexus name (and then possibly changing it back, I’m not sure?). See the link in my .sig for details.[/quote]

Oh. Thanks for telling me, I had no idea such a problem exists. I changed my storynexus name and reverted it back. Did it help?

Yes, it worked! I added you a moment ago.

I shall soon send you an exquisite box sure to elicit a shriek of delight. (If not delight, then a shriek at the very least.)

Mikarissa, yes; you’re on the list of players I keep for boxes now (I add people who post to this thread when I see them, but usually without commenting, in case anyone’s wondering).

My big thanks to Zeedee and an_ocelot. Received two boxes this night, though both cats decided they’d rather scratch my face than soil my soul. I also sent a box Axilar’s way to spend some starveling goodness around, perhaps they’ll have more luck than I :)