The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

Many thanks! I seem to be inundated with spiders these days, sadly. Still looking for a cat. I will add you to my list for future boxes.

I might say that I would love packages of cats as well. sigh what droll pastimes.

@Tyler, “john smith” is one of those names that makes my friends list blank out. You might want to change it.

Name changed. Try now?

If anyone’s willing to trade boxes (or give me a cat) I’d be simply delighted! The sidebar has long tantalized me with poems of a certain hungry moggy.

Edit: Received some lovely boxes (and a cat! Thanks Hamete!) and a request for a trade. However, I have no idea of figuring out who sent me a box.
edited by Everygreen on 4/16/2013

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat!
Sends you up North! You’ll never come back!

Can I have a Starveling Cat in my lodgings, please? Some companions to engage in other stuff in Fallen London would be nice, too. I am el_mago_oskuro there.
edited by el_mago_oskuro on 4/14/2013

I am also willing to take in stray cats; I will feed them well.

Edit: I am having problems seeing who sends me cats (both because FL sometimes just sends me blank messages and because the messages don’t seem to contain names). If you are sending me a cat and would like to receive one in return, please send me a message in the forum.
edited by Dorian Valast on 4/18/2013

Darn it, I’m still waiting for that cat. I’ve removed many spiders from my scalp and been whispered secrets by relieved cats more times than I count but none of the cats have stayed with me. Is there any way for someone to send me a cat other than through the random chance of Pass the cat?

I too would like the opportunity to exchange these curiously violent little boxes. Please find me in Fallen London under the name of Dr. Evelyn Wharf.

No idea why I would want a cat, but send me one anyway and I’ll find a use via trial and error.

I have a lovely Starveling Cat, but I love the dear creature too much to part with him. Her. It.

I am willing to pass the cat, though, provided I don’t lose the Duchess’s favor!

~~ Robert Emerson Lafayette Chillingsworth ~~

any lovley peoploles want to give up thier kitties … do send my way dearies

Yes, but that assumes they have a spare Cat to give you, which is not so likely.

Have 2 felines here, if anyone could pass some boxes, have no trouble passing back.

I have need of the starveling cat for a…simple purpose…I would be more than willing to help others as well as myself for such goals.

Dear Sirs,

allow me to say that I’m thrilled by the idea of receiving a starvelling cat and of taking part to this peculiar cat-passing tradition. If you wish to contact me just look for Apache Pejor on Storynexus. Also, a good K&C match is always welcome.

I shall join in this feline-swapping! The transfer of boxes and hoping for chance, yes?

(all righty, jumping into this “social” thing, will try not to do rude things but that doesn’t seem terribly possible)

Kevin LeRoy and Equisetophyta, I’ve tried to add you two several times but I keep getting a blank Friends list when I try. It’s a known bug. The only solution I know of is for you guys to change your StoryNexus name at StoryNexus : World not Found and tell us the new one. Then I’ll try adding you again.

Check this thread for more information:

My… research has long been frustrated by the absence of a cat. If anyone has a spare, or finds a box, I will be more than happy to accept. I would also be delighted to lend a hand with any social invitations.

A shame. Well, I’ve gone up a rung taxonomically and am now Pteridophyta. And sent the corvid a box, while I’m at it!