The starveling cat! The starveling cat!

If anyone could spare a cat then Bob Swift would appreciate one.

The starveling cat! The starveling cat! How in the world shall I get me that!

If you have any spare kitties, either starveling or boxed, please share with Rusalotchka.

hello, cat lovers, who’d like to partake in abit of cat passing?

I’ve sent out roughly 20 Boxed Cats during the past 10 days. Have you guys received them? By “you guys”, I mean most of the posters who have said something in the past 2 pages here.

I keep receiving messages that state “Zeedee has accepted your boxed ‘gift’.” Er, no, because I’m Zeedee…and I’m not sending them to my self. My alts also receive similar messages after mailing boxes. I also lose Connected: The Duchess twice after sending a Boxed Cat. Is that supposed to happen? Anyway, I’m just checking whether my boxes were delivered properly.

If you’re seeking a Boxed Cat and haven’t received one from me, please PM me. I’ll add you to my “Gift” List and send them when possible.

I’ve received several from you, thank you. They all contained spiders, which was less than awesome, but I’m sure my cat will turn up one day!

I hope you’re prepared for more spiders. I’ve converted four of my lodgings into Spider Conservatories, mwahaha! cough cough Ahem, excuse me, I seem to have caught the Diabolical Laughter that’s been running around lately. Anyway, I’m glad you received them. :)

I’d love to acquire a starveling.
I’m a collector of sorts – certainly not engaged in these unspeakable acts these vagrants boast about.
[pm me if you tire of the beast. it is quite a burden.]

I tried to add “omegasavant” and “Wormand” but the users couldn’t be found.

The link in your profile is broken:

The reason you get 2x Connected: is dropping is because they’re now auto-accepted, and as such the previous message for accepting also has some graphics, if you were wondering.

Ohhh, that would explain it. Social actions have been a tad buggy recently so I wasn’t sure if that was the case.

The Duchess shouldn’t get so riled up about each box. Only a third or a fourth of these creatures are actual cats. :p …Unless they’re cats morphing into spiders halfway through transit! I suppose that’s the Schrödinger dilemma in Fallen London:

  1. The cat is a live cat.
  2. The cat is a live sorrow spider.

It’ll usually be 2 because that’s how Fallen London rolls.

[quote=Zeedee]I suppose that’s the Schrödinger dilemma in Fallen London:

  1. The cat is a live cat.
  2. The cat is a live sorrow spider.

It’ll usually be 2 because that’s how Fallen London rolls.[/quote]

Ahahahaha, I love it.

I think this is in advance to K&C. It wouldn’t be half as good if you could choose whether to accept somebody’s offer to kill you, after all…

Hi all,

I just wanted to thank all the kind (or cruel) souls who have sent boxes my way.
I now have my hungry kitty as well as these 7 weird stains on my, ehm, soul.

I’ll keep sending boxes whenever they become available to those who asked for them.

hello Zeedee i did indeed receive, many thanks for the horrible spider :D

If someone recently passed me a cat (@AznEclipse), please let me know if you require reciprocity.

Hello! Would happen to be looking around for a particular sort of cat in a box. I don’t have that many myself, but would be happy to send any boxes I have along (and probably will do so to other people on the list). In game, the name’s ‘Villeneuve’.

I also find myself in need of a cat, and I happen to have a mysterious box which I will send your way, Villeneuve.
Boxed cats and spiders can be sent to Axilar.
edited by Bethany Harvey on 4/1/2013
edited by Bethany Harvey on 4/1/2013

[quote=Axilar]I also find myself in need of a cat, and I happen to have a mysterious box which I will send your way, Villeneuve.
Boxed cats and spiders can be sent to Axilar.
edited by Bethany Harvey on 4/1/2013
edited by Bethany Harvey on 4/1/2013[/quote]

…And as it turns out, your box was the one that did it! Many thanks. There’s no need to send any more to me, but I’ll definitely pass the ones I get along to you and several other people in the fine thread. So now, time to figure out what to do with this strange creature.

[quote=rusalotchka]The starveling cat! The starveling cat! How in the world shall I get me that!

If you have any spare kitties, either starveling or boxed, please share with Rusalotchka.[/quote]

I have achieved Starveling Cat! Thanks so much to everyone who has sent me one!

Alas despite generous donations of boxes, I have been unable to obtain a cat. If anyone could spare bob swift another box it would be much appreciated.